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Square Loans and COVID-19

We thank you for your patience during these difficult times. We understand the challenges you have faced and are proud to partner with a business as resilient and flexible as yours.


As you may have heard, eligibility for loans through Square Loans was paused temporarily so we could address how COVID-19 has impacted our sellers’ businesses, as well as our own. As of now, some business markets have stabilized so we can responsibly provide access to loans to some businesses once again.


COVID-19 definitely forced us to take a step back and recognize how this virus changed how our sellers do business. New signals and criteria are consistently incorporated into our lending models to ensure we can best serve you. Eligibility and offer sizing for loans through Square Loans is based on a variety of factors related to your Square account, including payment processing volume, account history, and payment frequency. More details on eligibility and offer sizing for Square Loans loans can be found here.


If you do not currently have an offer available for a loan through Square Loans, please know that we will continue to check your eligibility on an ongoing basis. If you’re eligible for a new loan through Square Loans, you’ll be notified directly on your Square Dashboard and via email.

Square Loans Team
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Square, the Square logo, Square Financial Services, Square Capital, and others are trademarks of Square, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. Square Financial Services, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Square, Inc. All loans are issued by Square Financial Services, Inc. a Utah-Chartered Industrial Bank. Member FDIC. Actual fee depends upon payment card processing history, loan amount and other eligibility factors. A minimum payment of 1/18th of the initial loan balance is required every 60 days and full loan repayment is required within 18 months. Loan eligibility is not guaranteed. All loans are subject to credit approval.
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Message 1 of 400
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We understand that this time of uncertainty is challenging, especially for business owners affected by COVID-19. We hope you all are continuing to stay safe and healthy. 


Please refer to our COVID-19 FAQ as well as our Support Center article Square Loans COVID-19 Business Financing Resources for details on some relief available to you. We have heard from many of you and hope that these can help in addressing some of the questions you might have.


Many of you have reached out regarding accessing capital or previously available, but expired, offers. Please know that your business will continue to be reviewed for eligibility for loans through Square Loans. If your business becomes eligible again, you will see loan offers in your Dashboard. We are actively working on ways to continue to support you and will update you when we have other options. 


If you currently have an active loan through Square Loans, and are concerned about loan repayment, please reach out to us so we can better assist you. Again, we will continue to look for potential solutions to best assist Square businesses moving forward.


Thank you for your patience and understanding and for being a Square Customer.

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Message 2 of 400
399 REPLIES 399

Nothing yet hellorobo - Texas

Message 295 of 400
Square Champion

Received a loan offer a few weeks ago slightly smaller than what I had before. It's nice to know the offer is there.

I'm in York Pa

My Girlfriend's Wardrobe est. 2012

Preston & jayne est. 2023

Downtown York Pa

Square user since 2012
Message 296 of 400

Was your previous loan paid in full? That's if you had a previous loan. Just curious because I'm at 84% paid and usually have an offer by now. It definitely makes sense for them to wait until they are fully paid though. 

Message 297 of 400

Yes, the loan is 100% paid. Usually we will get an offer before it’s paid off but not this time. So don’t rush to pay it off because it might be a really long time before they make you an offer again.  Though many people on the thread state they were offered a loan but less what was offered before. But I will believe it when I see it. I’m on the search right now for another processing merchant that will offer me a better deal with less headache. 

Message 298 of 400

Any capital offers in Florida?  I have been luckly to still operate normal speed and no offers last loan was 4/19

Message 299 of 400

Just checking for those of you who use capital, are you seeing any new activity? Is Capital still suspended?

Message 300 of 400

Someone else on board Got 1 last week, so it seems they are continuing, I’ll alert you when mine comes; good luck and positive vibes to you 

Message 301 of 400

I just received an offer today and it was approved within a few minutes.

- I was at 85% paid off.

- From PA

- Processed normally through Covid shut down with online sales

- Sales are up approximately 10% over last year

- Offer was somewhat less than previous offers

- I wanted to let everyone know, they are still giving loans and I was not completely paid off yet. Best of luck everyone 

Message 302 of 400

Also in PA and received an offer over the weekend. It’s a fraction of previous offers even though my sales are higher than they’ve ever been. Assuming they’re just starting off with caution. I didn’t move forward with my offer but it’s nice to have it there.

Message 303 of 400
Beta Member

Just curious if any hair stylists have received a capital offer since they reopened?

Message 304 of 400

I am a stylist and have had 9 loans. I still have not received an offer since they started giving them again. 😞

Message 305 of 400
Beta Member

@lilstyler Are you paid off currently?

Message 306 of 400

Anyone receive a loan offer in Florida?

Message 307 of 400

@ianssoph No, I’m currently at 89% paid off. 

Message 308 of 400

I’m a hairstylist in CO and I received one two weeks ago.


I was $150 away from paying off my last one. The offer they sent me was very low. I’ve done 5 or 6 loans with them. This one was on par with my very first offer. 

I have a very steady clientele and have paid off early every single time. 

On other threads, businesses that were doing OVER what they normally do, were getting 60-90% of what they used to get. 

So be prepared. 

Message 309 of 400
Beta Member

@Ms_Misty  I have had 10 loans and my last was $20k. I’m at 72% paid so hopefully they don’t offer me $900 as that was my first offer ever with square capital lol. Either way glad they are still giving us stylists love!

Message 310 of 400

My highest as a stylist as ever been $7500 $2500 was mt first... TBH I stopped taking square when they abandoned us so my sales now look low as I’ve refused to use square... just trying to get this last loan paid and move on. I don’t want to continue with a company who abandons loyal long term customers when we need them most. 

Message 311 of 400

You are not the only one walking away from Square. I took.out my first loan.ever with them mere days before the shutdown. Ive been paying my minimum due but don't expect to get another offer, im 50% paid off, but ive found PayPal pay via messenger to be quick, convenient and NO FEES. Ive also started to accept Cashapp and Venmo as payments. 

Message 312 of 400

I'm in NY State and finally received an offer today... yes, it's about 60% of my last loan (which was paid off in April).  At least they're offering loans again.  This one is less money but I think it's also less % payback than normal.  I might accept this loan just to pay it back and see what the next one will be.

Message 313 of 400
Beta Member

I recieved a small loan 3k. About 2 weeks ago. It is already 33% paid off. I'm interested to see what the next will be. 

Message 314 of 400

Just received first offer since COVID started.  A lot smaller than last but not as bad as I thought it would be.  Curious to see how long before it is approved.  I am glad they are at least offering them again.  We are over 85% paid off on last one and way ahead of schedule for sure. Praying for all to make it through this.

Erin Akey FNC, KNS
Message 315 of 400