Square Community Moderator

Square Loans and COVID-19

We thank you for your patience during these difficult times. We understand the challenges you have faced and are proud to partner with a business as resilient and flexible as yours.


As you may have heard, eligibility for loans through Square Loans was paused temporarily so we could address how COVID-19 has impacted our sellers’ businesses, as well as our own. As of now, some business markets have stabilized so we can responsibly provide access to loans to some businesses once again.


COVID-19 definitely forced us to take a step back and recognize how this virus changed how our sellers do business. New signals and criteria are consistently incorporated into our lending models to ensure we can best serve you. Eligibility and offer sizing for loans through Square Loans is based on a variety of factors related to your Square account, including payment processing volume, account history, and payment frequency. More details on eligibility and offer sizing for Square Loans loans can be found here.


If you do not currently have an offer available for a loan through Square Loans, please know that we will continue to check your eligibility on an ongoing basis. If you’re eligible for a new loan through Square Loans, you’ll be notified directly on your Square Dashboard and via email.

Square Loans Team
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.

Square, the Square logo, Square Financial Services, Square Capital, and others are trademarks of Square, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. Square Financial Services, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Square, Inc. All loans are issued by Square Financial Services, Inc. a Utah-Chartered Industrial Bank. Member FDIC. Actual fee depends upon payment card processing history, loan amount and other eligibility factors. A minimum payment of 1/18th of the initial loan balance is required every 60 days and full loan repayment is required within 18 months. Loan eligibility is not guaranteed. All loans are subject to credit approval.
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Message 1 of 400
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We understand that this time of uncertainty is challenging, especially for business owners affected by COVID-19. We hope you all are continuing to stay safe and healthy. 


Please refer to our COVID-19 FAQ as well as our Support Center article Square Loans COVID-19 Business Financing Resources for details on some relief available to you. We have heard from many of you and hope that these can help in addressing some of the questions you might have.


Many of you have reached out regarding accessing capital or previously available, but expired, offers. Please know that your business will continue to be reviewed for eligibility for loans through Square Loans. If your business becomes eligible again, you will see loan offers in your Dashboard. We are actively working on ways to continue to support you and will update you when we have other options. 


If you currently have an active loan through Square Loans, and are concerned about loan repayment, please reach out to us so we can better assist you. Again, we will continue to look for potential solutions to best assist Square businesses moving forward.


Thank you for your patience and understanding and for being a Square Customer.

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Message 2 of 400
399 REPLIES 399

you haven't received new offer since you just paid off recent loan ?

Message 358 of 400

Nope still nothing.  We solely used Square for payments for the past month hoping for a better offer.  Our square sales were 20x the previous month when we were offered a small loan.

Message 359 of 400
Square Community Moderator

Hey @newsandinfo , thanks for your question! We appreciate you reaching out and your
patience during these difficult times. 


While offers through Square Capital may be available to some businesses, we are still actively making updates based on the current state of COVID-19 and changing public health guidelines. The status of restrictions and reopening in your location and industry may impact your eligibility.

We understand that the current situation is very uncertain and changing rapidly. For this reason, we are unable to provide specific examples of these restrictions. 

We know that funding is important to businesses now more than ever, and we are continually re-evaluating your account on a daily basis to determine if you’re eligible to receive another loan through Square Capital. So far, there have been various industries and states that have recovered and will start to see offers appear. We will continue to check your eligibility on an ongoing basis, so check back regularly for any updates. If your business becomes eligible, you’ll be notified directly on your Square Dashboard and via email.

If you’re looking for other potential sources of funding, you can also visit this list of national and state business financing resources that we’ll continue to update.

Please feel free to contact us directly if you have any other questions! 

Square Loans Team
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.

Square, the Square logo, Square Financial Services, Square Capital, and others are trademarks of Square, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. Square Financial Services, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Square, Inc. All loans are issued by Square Financial Services, Inc. a Utah-Chartered Industrial Bank. Member FDIC. Actual fee depends upon payment card processing history, loan amount and other eligibility factors. A minimum payment of 1/18th of the initial loan balance is required every 60 days and full loan repayment is required within 18 months. Loan eligibility is not guaranteed. All loans are subject to credit approval.
Message 360 of 400

YEP IM DONE! BYE SQUARE!!!! Just ready to get this paid off and I’m done! I am

tired of y’all’s BS responses! I AM OVER you abandoning long term customers!!! ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼

Message 361 of 400

Man I hope when this was me, I didn’t sound like this. You gotta change your mindset, I was the same way, just keep doing business, once I stopped working about when I was gonna get a capital loan, I realized they are great and needed, but crutches, surely your business didn’t start with Square capital and square Capital won’t end it;,good luck to you all

Message 362 of 400

It's not a crutch for everyone.  I use Square instead of a traditional bank.  I use Square capital loans for investing in new equipment and growing my business.  Without using a traditional bank I can't get other funding or lease new equipment (many lenders say they may start using Square sales in the future).  Up until now this wasn't an issue because Square capital loans were perfect for us.  I don't need the loans to survive, I use them for capital investment in my business, which is what they are intended for.  

Message 363 of 400

I get, I use it as a bank as well, but I'm saying I had to change my mindset. Covid wasn't foreseen by us; I understand how frustrating the algorithm is, but change Is the only constant in business, gotta continually pivot, if nothing else Covid has taught us that. My philosophy is to keep moving, no matter what, if what you've been doing isn't working anymore, Gotta move to the next part of your story. Square capital has been Great, and then not so great, then Great, so as most business, they pivot. Ultimately in MY EXPERIENCE, the benefits have outweighed the issues, the loans have helped me grow business, hire people, compete for contracts I wouldnt have been able to; Ive have big months and no offers and small months and offers, so as I keep moving, I'm confident another Offer will come exactly when its supposed to. Peace and Good Vibes!

Message 364 of 400


Message 365 of 400

In VA as well...loan has been paid off for over a month, was paid off early, business is good, and no new loan offer. 

Message 366 of 400
Beta Member

Has anyone received a capital offer in Arkansas?

Message 367 of 400

My loan has been paid off in full for over a month. It was paid off early and we have not dipped in our sales. When is there going to be more funding options available? I'm to the point of needing to establish a processing relationship with another company if this is not going to open back up any time soon. Tried calling customer support, literally read a response from a page and was no help at all.



Message 368 of 400

We got one a month ago, almost paid in full; just keep processing, you’ll drive yourself crazy wondering and waiting; it will magically appear. Watch! Good luck to y’all 

Message 369 of 400

So over their generic responses blah blah I’m just ready to be paid off and MOVE ON! I am done supporting a company who has abandoned good, loyal, long time clients!! BYE BYE SQUARE 

Message 370 of 400

I think I'm with you on switching.  I did get a Square capital loan a month ago.  It was very small.  I started using another payment processor during the summer because Square stopped offering capital loans.  After I was surprisingly offered a loan from Square, I started using them again for all of my payment processing.  I have paid off this small loan 100% last week and have 20x more sales with them over the past 30 days.  I still don't have another offer.  Square seems to be very random in offering loans... I have to believe they aren't offering loans again.  How can I be eligible one month with barely any sales with Square, but not eligible the next month with 20x more sales (about $20k in sales)?

Message 371 of 400

Yes I’m done I have always had new loan offers and I always pay my minimum way in advance! May I ask who you use now???

Message 372 of 400

And has the bee processor offered you any loans? PayPal business doesn’t look at you til you’ve been business account for 90 days 

Message 373 of 400

New* not bee lol 

Message 374 of 400

I started using Stripe during the summer.  All processors want you to build a relationship before they offer you a capital loan.  I should have stuck with Stripe.  I don't recommend Paypal.  I used them a few years ago.  I would read the horror stories of businesses getting their funds held by Paypal for no reason for up to 3 weeks.  Then if finally happened to me twice with 3 months.  They hold your funds for the full 21 days for "security reasons".  That's when I left Paypal and found Square.  I've been very happy with Square until this lack of/ random capital loan mess... if a business is making sales, that's all that should matter.     

Message 375 of 400

Yep it just happened to me! 

Message 376 of 400

Do you like stripe???

Message 377 of 400

Stripe is fine, but the funds get deposited into your bank account and it takes a couple days.  I like Square (and Paypal) because the funds are available instantly.  

Message 378 of 400