
Bounced Emails

I see this issue has remained unresolved for at least four years so I'd like to bring it up for discussion again.


  • I pay a monthly fee for Square marketing so I can send emails to my customers.
  • The fee is based on the number of emails I send. 
  • Many of those emails bounce (do not get delivered)
  • There is no way to bulk unsubscribe bounced emails from Square Marketing.
  • Of those that bounce, many are square network emails where I don't even have access to that customer's true email address.
  • That means I am paying Square to send emails that are cloistered within their own system to their own customers but which are never getting delivered.
  • Square declines to offer a solution because it makes more money from sellers since their pricing is based on total emails sent. While sellers care very much if their emails are delivered, Square seems not to.
  • I have brought this up before and I see threads back to at least 2020 with the same issue.
  • I have voiced this concern to my dedicated Square rep over the phone multiple times.
  • I have put in feature requests; it's not like this is a novel issue.

Our business pays Square over $20,000 per year in subscription and processing fees, but I sure don't feel like a valued customer. I feel frustrated because I love the overall product, but it is discouraging doing business with a company that seems to have contempt for its sellers.

Message 1 of 6
Square Community Moderator

Hi @bccr


Thank you for reaching out. I apologize for any frustration you may be feeling. 


I believe there was a recent change that will help address this. Did you receive an email regarding Square Sender Profile that went out at the end of January? Do you use your own custom domain email address, or do you use a web-based email like Gmail or Yahoo? 


I am going to touch base with the team to get more information on this change, but can you also let us know the last time you noticed bounced emails? 


Thanks in advance for your time.

Message 2 of 6
Beta Member

Our number of bounced emails is also pushing us into a higher subscription level. These customers shouldn't be counted.


It doesn't even matter to me if I have to do it one at a time, but I don't want to go into their profiles and mark them as unsubscribed since that is a permanent action, and it doesn't seem that they can ever be re-subscribed if we were to get their corrected email address.


Some of these addresses may just be outdated. And from what I can tell, it's a strong possibility that a number of the 'Square network emails' have typos in them from customers having difficulty typing on the customer display.


I've also gone into a profile and deleted an email address that bounced, only to have it replaced with 'Square network email' so it's still counted in our list.

Message 3 of 6

Same thing here. No way to bulk delete any bounced emails.

Message 4 of 6

In the last week, all Square Marketing emails sent to Yahoo addresses are Bouncing. Ironic, because our Square account is under a Yahoo email address. I've heard this is an issue with Yahoo, and not Square. Can Square send a "work-around" so that my customers can see the email? 

Message 5 of 6

I am having the same issue with Yahoo and AOL.  😞


Message 6 of 6