Beta Member

Customer's cannot add items to their cart (Please help!)

I started having reports from customers unable to add items to their cart trickle in on Thursday: upon clicking the "add to cart button" in any (and all) item page(s) the site will return an error "There was an error. Please try again."  I was able to direct the customer to clearing his browser cache which resolves the issue... But I've now been contacted by at least 6 other customers with the exact same issue... Some of them lack the knowledge to perform a browser cache reset.  More worryingly, my sales have suffered over the last several days (to the tune of about $2000) which indicates this issue is more widespread than the folks who have contacted me.  Is there anything we can do about this?  I am very worried!

Message 1 of 25
Beta Member

I am in the same situation. My customers cannot put items into their carts. it will tell them that there is not enough inventory, even if I change it to having 10 in stock. I called for help but they said that my customers were using the wrong internet provider???? This is nonsense... today as I tried to post people products I noticed that it is automatically saying that they are out of stock, even though they are in stock on the weebly side of things, and to top that off, as I am putting new items into the store, they are not even showing up in the online 'site'.

Hey square.... fix your site and stop blaming peoples internet. 

Message 2 of 25
Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @nicholasfeigen & @lovesdolphins81


There are certain web browsers that are more compatible when using our different features. At the moment, suggesting another browser or clearing the browser cache is the best option. 


Google Chrome is the best option for your customers to use. I apologize for the business inconvenience this process puts you and your customers through. 


Thank you for bringing this to the Community. 

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 3 of 25

Blaming customers’ choice of browser instead of fixing the issues with your website is not the level of support any of us expect or deserve. 

We have been experiencing the same issues as the other two posters. We’ve spent hours on the phone with support and have gotten no where. Support refuses to acknowledge the issue until they are able to replicate it themselves (it’s not enough for us to provide customer screenshots or trust that we’re not making up the multiple phone calls we get from different customers each week about this issue). They are also unwilling to take the time necessary to test until they replicate the errors. 

This is a known issue affecting multiple stores and is causing each of those stores to lose business. It needs to be addressed by the engineering team at Square Online. Asking customers to change their behavior so that your website works is not a solution or even a viable workaround. 

Even if the issue is caused by customers using an off brand or out dated browser, the fact that your website can’t accommodate those things is a failure on your part, not the customers’. Websites must work across all browsers and need to be backwards compatible. 

Message 4 of 25
Beta Member

I am having this same issue.  I made some product changes yesterday and as of this morning, not all of them are showing on website and the website is not functional.  I have lost orders through the night and as a new small business this is very disheartening.  I have tried to purchase from the site myself with 2 browsers and on my mobile device and each time any item I choose says that there was an error and please try again.  I really need this fixed.  Has anyone had any luck? I'm on the east coast so its too early yet for me to try and get Square on the phone. 

Message 5 of 25

Well said! I’m so frustrated right now as my customers are currently going through this. It makes my site seem unprofessional and honestly turning them to other sellers. Not happy. I was on the phone for over an hour with customer service. He had no clue what to do and then by the end told me to wait over an hour for my site to reload. I did, he called me back to say it was in working order now…. But it’s not! 

Message 6 of 25
Beta Member

Perhaps Square/Weebly can explain to me how I should go about contacting the customers that do a search and find my store and never speak to me but instead go to another store because they find that my website does not work properly and therefore believe me to be an inept business owner...so much for new customer acquisition. 

Message 7 of 25

My 501c3 nonprofit uses Square and we having this problem  https://cearts.square.site/ (I useChrome) and my customers can't order. For example, we need this item to work  https://cearts.square.site/product/2024-the-polk-street-review/35?cs=true&cst=custom

I have checked and rechecked all Square account and Square online settings, and everything is set to work as far as I can tell, so this issue must be on Square's mnd??? PLEASE FIX THE ISSUE.

~ Alys

Message 8 of 25
Square Community Moderator

Hi @AlysCEArts - I'm sorry to hear that this issue with your Online Store has brought you to the Seller Community😥


This does sound off, but it's difficult to pinpoint what may be happening without looking at your settings and website with you, which we aren't able to do via the Seller Community. For this type of issue, I suggest that you get in touch with our Support Team. If you haven't already, please reach out to Support directly by logging into your Square account and heading here.

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 9 of 25

Thanks, I will try that.

~ Alys

Message 10 of 25

STILL HAVING THIS ISSUE. Contacted support via email 2 days ago; no reply yet.

CEArts Square Shopping Cart issue.png

Message 11 of 25


Second image: this is what our shopping cart looks like AFTER someone tries to "add to cart".

CEArts Shopping Cart not loading.png

Message 12 of 25


My 501c3 nonprofit uses Square and we having this problem  https://cearts.square.site/ (I useChrome) and my customers can't order. For example, we need this item to work  https://cearts.square.site/product/2024-the-polk-street-review/35?cs=true&cst=custom

I have checked and rechecked all Square account and Square online settings, and everything is set to work as far as I can tell, so this issue must be on Square's mnd??? PLEASE FIX THE ISSUE.

~ Alys

Message 13 of 25

My 501c3 nonprofit uses Square and we having this problem  https://cearts.square.site/ (I useChrome) and my customers can't order. For example, we need this item to work  https://cearts.square.site/product/2024-the-polk-street-review/35?cs=true&cst=custom

I have checked and rechecked all Square account and Square online settings, and everything is set to work as far as I can tell, so this issue must be on Square's end??? PLEASE FIX THE ISSUE.

~ Alys

Message 14 of 25

Same problem here. 

My 501c3 nonprofit uses Square and we having this problem  https://cearts.square.site/ (I useChrome) and my customers can't order. For example, we need this item to work  https://cearts.square.site/product/2024-the-polk-street-review/35?cs=true&cst=custom

I have checked and rechecked all Square account and Square online settings, and everything is set to work as far as I can tell, so this issue must be on Square's end??? PLEASE FIX THE ISSUE.

~ Alys

Message 15 of 25
Square Champion

Hello @AlysCEArts !


I checked your site in both Safari and Chrome, and I see I can add to the cart but when I try to view the cart it just stays on a loading screen. 

I also noticed that your tshirt sale isn’t set for shipping yet you have shipping enabled on the Polk street Reviews. Are you trying to be able to ship as well or just making the sales for in-store pickup?


My guess is that there’s something not fully set up in your fulfillment settings. My first bit of advice would be to check all your settings at Dashboard -> Online -> Fulfillment for both Pickup and Shipping. My bet is something here isn’t fully configured, which will definitely cause the behavior we’re seeing. 

let us know if you’re still running into issues!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 16 of 25

This is all incredibly frustrating, so forgive me if I "sound" angry. (I'm not angry; I just want the Shopping Cart issues FIXED.)


I've set up correct fullfillment for both shipping and pickup for The Polk Street Review (TPSR) books, and checked the shipping box for the t-shirts. I've  checked and rechecked every possible "online" setting and regular "account" setting for taxes and fullfillment and shopping cart, etc, and as I said all those settings are correct on "our" side.


You should know that I have NOT checked every item, but I've had this account for YEARS and never have had to check fullfillment item-by-item before AND the only fullfillment options I ever selected were shipping and pickup. NEVER have I checked boxes for "delivery" or "self-fullfillment" but I'm finding those boxes are checked now ~ by Square??? A default setting of some sort??? No one but me has access to this account, so I wish Square would go back to the simple version of creating Item Categories and Items, and then "add" them to the online site in a simpler way.


I have checked fullfillment and taxes for both the t-shirts and books, and when I open the items to EDIT "in" the Online page of my account, those items should charge 7% Indiana sales tax per item, but they have confusing tax options: a "heading" says "Non-Taxable Item" and then "options" for Item Level and Order level taxes are confusing. Why are there "Order Level Taxes" AND "Item Level Taxes"??? You can't seem to turn off "Order Level Taxes"?? We want ITEM level taxes because not all of our items are taxable: only PHYSICAL items (books, t-shirts) should collect sales tax, but Square makes us have settings for "Order Level Taxes" as well???

Square used to be quite simple to use: you could simply "check a box" to apply sales tax to taxable items and uncheck the box for non-taxable items. Also, you used to have ONE SET of items that were in your "regular" Square account AND in your Online "store. Now it is very difficult to insure the online store and "regular" part of Square are the same.


It seemslike Square is geared to restaurants, and a lot of the settings for which Square is forcing the "selection of options" do not apply to n 501c3 non-profits like ours that have simple physical merchandise items and non-taxable items like donations.


Anyway, none of this has helped with the Shopping Cart issue, so please help me figure out what is causing 1) items will not go into the cart, and 2) the cart does not display ("appears" to just keep loading).




Message 17 of 25
Square Champion

@AlysCEArts I totally understand the frustration. I’m pretty sure I have a forehead-shaped dent in my desk from trying to get my online store working the way I wanted it to. 

To address the tax issue first: I think the order level versus item level taxes are an absolute pain in the you know what. In my site I disabled order level taxes (edit the tax and disable it). Now, if you end up shipping taxable items to other tax zones (cities, states, etc) you’ll have to enable this again and travel down the rabbit hole of tax code. But for now I’d say just stick with item level taxes, which are controlled as you usually do. 

As for your site still showing that stalled loading screen on the checkout, I have to admit you have me stumped. I’d like to tag in a few retail Super Sellers to see if they have any more insight. 

@PartyManiaMD , @LocavoreStore , @HC_Charlie , @Doran  and any others: any ideas?

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 18 of 25
Beta Member

We are having the same problem, but it seems to be isolated to iphone users using their native Safari browser. I am running the latest Apple update to see if this allows me to duplicate the issue.


I have noticed that when I add to cart on my iphone, the cart icon does not reflect the presence of an item. This is true in both Safari and Chrome.

Message 19 of 25

One of the customers experiencing these errors that was kind enough to send a screenshot was on an Android. 

I’m curious if these errors have anything to do with the slow performance grades all square online sites suffer from. Seems like there’s a ton of JavaScript google page insights recommends deleting. 

It would be helpful if a Square engineer would take a look at these things. In the meantime I’m looking into moving our site back to woocommerce.

Message 20 of 25

My customers have been experiencing the same issue. Has anyone found a solution? I have a few screen shots sent to me of the same problem. 

Message 21 of 25