
Does anyone have pointers on establishing a successful t-shirt business?

I started my t-shirt business at the end of January. So far, it has been nice selling in person; however, I have been having difficulty selling online besides my family. I did not think it would be this difficult to get out front online but I just don't know. I have tried paying for the ads but that has not worked. I created my own website, of course not knowing what I was doing but tried. I have now had my website revamped and I am hoping and praying that this works to start getting sales. Any ideas or suggestions is greatly appreciated. 

Message 1 of 6
Super Seller

Hey @AsAMatterofFACZ 

Gaining online sales can be taunting to anyone.  IT is one of the harder things to get when just starting out.  Just a quick rule of thumb, it won't happen overnight, as I'm sure you already know.  It will take time and persistence. I'm not sure how in depth square online SEO goes, but if you haven't done so already make sure that you complete and go through all pages that you can add or tweak the SEO for. Setting up a Google my Business page and thoroughly going through that also.  Lastly be consistent with social media posts, and make sure to direct future customers to your website in any and all posts. 

Scorpion Coating Plus,LLC
Square Super Seller
Check out Square support center for additional help.
Message 2 of 6

Hello ScorpionCoating, Thank you for your response, I greatly appreciate it. Yes it has been taunting; however, I am not giving up  Thanks for the suggestions, I'm learning about SEO now. I almost thinking I need to go to computer school...LOL

Message 3 of 6
Super Seller

Not a problem.  I'm no expert at SEO by any means, but I do manage my own site, and therefore spend a lot of time googling how to do this/that without blowing my kids college tuition.  Another really good resource to use is called MOZ, They offer some free tools and a free trial of services ( be sure to cancel before trial ends).  Lastly check out online media masters.  He writes a lot of good guides mainly for wordpress sites, but some great  SEO guides and insites as well. I am constantly going back to them during down time  Good luck and hopefully these small free changes will help future sales.



Scorpion Coating Plus,LLC
Square Super Seller
Check out Square support center for additional help.
Message 4 of 6
Super Seller

it's all about social, limited release and creating the excitement for drops. I really think Civil Regime does this super well. Huge insta following and they limit their release and drop the designs periodically. also- social media.. so important- but it can't be salesy- it has to be cool depending upon what your niche is. 

make sure you niche down- you can't appeal to everyone so make sure you know who your client is- create content based on that customer and also respond to content in your niche as well.

Co-Owner Amityville Apothecary
Instagram | TikTok @AmityvilleApothecary

Podcast: Apothecary After Dark (YouTube & Spotify)
Message 5 of 6

Thank you for your response, I appreciate it. 

Message 6 of 6