Beta Member

Understanding inventory sync between retail an online

I am currently building my webstore and am not understanding how my webstore and retail are suposed to sync. When I initially created the webstore, it duplicated what I had in my retail space. Now that I've modified things in my webstore, they are not mirrored in my retail at all. Is there a way I can change a setting so that they stay the same? A few issues I have; when I enter an item in the webstore, it shows up in my retail without sales tax (I'm not clicking the exempt button). Also, If I enter it in the webstore, I cannot enter unit cost so I have to go into the retail side and enter that which duplicates the entry effort. I would do all of my item entry in my webstore if it weren't for this. If I enter everything in my retail space, the webstore does not recognize the category I use so I have to go into the webstore, find the new item, then categorize it. This whole activity is super time consuming and frustrating. The list could go on with the issues I'm having, but this is the biggest time consumer for me.  

Message 1 of 4

I am having the same issues

Message 2 of 4
Beta Member

Frustrating that nobody is responding to this one with any feedback. It's good to know I'm not alone Cassiyarb.

Message 3 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hello @tracktime_hobby,


Thank you for reaching out, sorry about any confusion but certainly happy to help. I just want to point out a few things here that will hopefully provide some clarity. The sales tax and categories between Square Online and in-store do not sync. You can find more information here on what will and won't sync between the online and the app. Also, the feature to enter unit cost is specific to Square for Retail. So you will not be able to enter in until cost from the Square Online Dashboard. You can only enter unit costs from Square Dashboard under 'Items' or the Square Retail app. If you continue to have any issues I do recommend reaching out to Direct Support 1-855-700-6000 squ.re/contactsqsupport as we cannot discuss account-specific information through The Seller Community. 





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