
Weebly Online Store Email

Several months ago I migrated to Weebly online store, and I also updated my account email address in Square, however the new email address did not update in Weebly.  When I tried to change the email in Weebly, I'm pointed back to Square and it's already current over there.


Your help is appreciated!



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Not sure what has happened with Weebly and Square, But when I started out with weebly a few months back it was actually pretty straightforward and easy to use.  Plus their help center was an awesome support team.    We are now back from 3 months of covid lockdown and everything is wonky on my weebly store settings.   I'm guessing when weebky integrated with square most things didn't transfer over properly if that's even a thing.     My secondary location became my primary location so then emails were being sent from opposite locations customers were saving their credit card information at.   Totally confused support staff could not decipher what had happened.   I was constantly being told that it was how I set my store up on my dashboard.  I was calling to report that is not how I set it up and needed to find out how to fix it.   Very frustrating experience to say the least. Judging by my most recent experience I'm most likely going to be looking for an alternative to an online store and web page host.

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I am having the same issue.

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