
Beating a Dead Horse but it needs to be: Preauthorization

Beta Member

Beating a Dead Horse but it needs to be: Preauthorization

We need to be able to preauthorize credit cards when running a tab. Period.  We really enjoyed the low buy in and easy menu development and a couple of the other features, but a bar/restaurant needs to be able to run a tab and preauthorize a credit card.  I've gone back and looked at conversations about it and it appears that this has been a CONSTANT request by users that has gone ignored.

I'd like to know why it isn't available.

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Beating a Dead Horse but it needs to be: Preauthorization

Pre-Authorization for Bar Tabs Update 
Hi everyone - I'm Hadley, from the F&B product team. First of all, thank you SO MUCH for continuing to share all the feedback here over the years, we know how important the Bar Tabs feature is. For anyone who is not aware, this feature is currently in beta in the US for both Square Point of Sale as well as Square for Restaurants POS. 


➡️ If you use Square POS, here are instructions on how to get started beta testing. 


➡️ If you use RST POS, you can join the beta community here and our beta team will enable feature to your account. You can find the support article for getting set up on RST POS here


As a reminder, when a feature is in beta, there is still some engineering work happening to iron out the smaller bugs and optimizing the experience for our sellers and their customers. If you choose to participate in the beta testing, please share any feedback (good or bad 😄) to our beta team at betafeedback@squareup.com so we can learn how it is working for you and your staff.  


Thank you!


I run a taproom and we are now experiencing the same thing. Guest needs their card from us to use at our food truck. 

Agreed, we are going to have to look into another POS as well.  We HAVE to have a way to open tabs for customers.  We are losing money by not having this option.  Can we at least find out if this is being considered?  

Beta Member

I have no idea if anyone at Square is actually going to read this. Or if they do it will make any difference, as it looks like pre-authorizing cards has been a request without resolution going on 3 years. But I am seriously considering changing POS/card processing providers if this isn't available soon. I own a bar/restaurant and this is causing major issues. We have had several instances of cards left behind and even worse, a couple instances of the wrong card going back to the wrong person. This costs us money (time spent rectifying the situation, providing discounts/refunds for mixups, etc.) and more importantly diminishes our reputation. I was considering making the move to paying more for Square Restaurants thinking surely that option would include pre-authorization of credit cards but nope, it doesn't. I have overall been pretty happy with Square, but this issue is going to be a deal breaker for me.

Beta Member
It has been over a year since this post...what is the status? If the answer is this is never coming, I would like to know that now.
Beta Member

I have been using Square at our bar/restaurant for almost a year. The lack of pre-authorization capability is extremely frustrating and I am looking into switching to another company because of it. Otherwise, Square has been great.

Beta Member

This would be great if I ran an online business. But if this is something anyone can do via Square API why can't Square incorporate this into their applications?

Was the functionality ever added to place an authorized hold on a credit/debit card for equipment rentals?

Beta Member


Any news on this Square?  Clearly been an open issue for some time.  Toast does this seemlessly.  




This does remain a feature request at this time.