
Change employee sale attributed to

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Beta Member

Change employee sale attributed to

Our business is a hair salon that operates on commission. Sometimes our employees mis-attribute sales to other people who did not complete the sale. We need a way to edit these transactions and assign them to the correct employee for both accounting and payroll purposes. Because we use Payroll with commission, the employees who did not complete the sale end up getting paid, and the ones who actually made the sale do not. This is unacceptable.

1 Verified Answer
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Change employee sale attributed to

Our business is a hair salon that operates on commission. Sometimes our employees mis-attribute sales to other people who did not complete the sale. We need a way to edit these transactions and assign them to the correct employee for both accounting and payroll purposes. Because we use Payroll with commission, the employees who did not complete the sale end up getting paid, and the ones who actually made the sale do not. This is unacceptable.


it would be nice on the mobile POS or even desktop only under admin permissions it allows you tap and swap the cashier who made a transaction so the commission in the reports can reflect accurately instead of having to calculate it off screen

I know this has been requested plenty before but I was directed to make a feature request

Square Champion

Is your "sale attributed to" different than your "collected by"? In this case, who recieves the tip?

As our business grows, the "limitations" of Square are becoming a concern. Do we need to change? Upgrade? 

Beta Member

Any updates on being able to change who the sale is attributed to? Just had this happen in square appointments, had an employee call off and we didn't change the appointment before invoicing and the tip ended up going to the person who called off. Have had it happen a few times, plus sometimes we have two or more people working a single appointment and need to split the tip.

Are there any updates on this feature request?  As another user mentioned in this thread, this has been an ongoing feature request for years.  We constantly run into issues with what are, granted, user error of using the wrong code, but there should be a way for management or admin users to update the team member attributed to a sale in case of error.  Instead of being able to easily process payments via Square Payroll, we are having to track commissions in a spreadsheet, so we can manually update the correct amounts before processing payments to the team.  Square, please do something about this. 

Can "attributed to" be added to the transaction report or api at least so that we can fix the problem manually? I understand limitations but the reports should have all fields available.

Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Not currently planned

Hey there, @7NINE - 


Great suggestion! Being able to edit a transaction in anyway has been a huge feature request for numerous sellers, so I appreciate you bringing this to the Ideate Board. 


At the moment, it's not planned on the roadmap. If you know of any other sellers interested in this, please give them a tag. 


When our Product Team gives us some more information on this particular feature request, a Community Moderator will circle back to update the status to keep you in the know. 



It’s July 2022 and there STILL no feature to change who the sale has been attributed to. We are a commissioned based business and this type of issue arises often. How is it that POS systems in the 90s were able to resolve but 30 years later your software can not?! I have called regarding this countless times and they just”send it the engineers”. A SIMPLE REQUEST and yet NOTHING! You guys make a killing off of my company and you still can’t resolve this?!

Beta Member

Square has updated the system to be able to edit the customer attached to a sale - why can't they do the same for the person that the sale is attributed to?