
Customize Modifier Set Order

Customize Modifier Set Order

Once I select an item, how do I reorder the sequence of modifier sets for that item?

Super Seller Alumni

@AirPlay If you do repeating numbers for different Modifier Groups, and plan a little bit, you can absolutely use the same Modifier Groups for different items! I do it on my site: http://pessosices.square.site


0. Whip Cream (Sundae)

1. Size - Ice Cream (Ice Cream)

1. Size - Ices (Ices)

2. Flavor - Ice Cream (Ice Cream, Sundae)

2. Flavor - Ices (Ices)

3. Choose 1 or 2 Toppings (Sundae)

4. Add Topping (Ice Cream, Ices, Sundae)


This way it's in the right order for every item!

Yeah, the downside is that you have to keep a master list of numbered modifier and duplicate (with new numbers) for modifiers you want to appear in a different order. It would be a lot easier if Square just implemented a function to re-order modifiers!

We actually don't accept coins. Our prices are tax inclusive to the nearest dollar. We are a mobile food operation so coins don't make sense for us. 

Super Seller Alumni

We do the same! That’s why the 10 cent increase in fees doesn’t really matter since we’ve rounded up to the dollar and already absorbed fee increases and other expenses increases 

@jdsbk You hit the nail on the head. If you have a manufacturing background, different items all use the same raw materials, but require them in different sequences. So building the Bill of Material, you can't order the components in a unique sequence.

Super Seller Alumni

To a certain extent, but it’s also set it and forget it. 

Of course that would be better, but it works as a workaround in the meantime - that’s my goal here, helping other sellers in the meantime 

Beta Member

I've tried numbering my modifier sets and it has not worked. I did it when I was building our huge menu. Now I have TONS of modifier sets.

For example. we are a cafe but we have 17 sandwiches on our menu. Each sandwich should have this sequence:

0. Bread

1. Cheese

2. Meat 

3. Sauces 

4. Veggies

5. Remove veggies (too many people ask for veggies removed...this saves typing it)



  So I labeled the modifier groups and here's how it turned out (from top to bottom):

5. Remove veggies

0. Breads

1. Cheese
2. Meat

And so on...

In EVERY sandwich the "remove veggies" is the first thing they see. Why is that, when the modifiers are labeled/numbered 0-6?  Am I confused as to HOW the number labling system is supposed to work?

Thanks so much for all your help and advice. As frustrating as it is for me coming from an IT background going into the restaurant industry (1/3rd the money) ... seeing a simple fix Square could make and refuses...infuriates me! 😉 

@TheBarnCafe  I had to chuckle because I taught myself coding back in the 70s and, as you know, we can see seemingly complex issues as pretty simple. The data record would need to ad in a relational DB linked to each parent item with modifiers. The file would just bring in the correct sequence. You would need a hidden value for each attribute and then decide if a net change to the order needs to add a new modifier or keep the current one. I'm sure the coding would take some time, but a week or two then a way to make the update and convert the other files that need changes to accommodate the added info. I think it would be a fun project, but then I haven't coded for some years. I'm 69 this year, don't want to learn new languages.

Super Seller Alumni

@TheBarnCafe Ah crud, that's super weird!

Maybe try making a new 5. Remove Veggies Modifier Group, and see if that puts it in the right order - if yes, delete the old one. It might just need a little "reset" with a new version of the group.


If it doesn't, maybe try re-making the rest of them? Could be a ton of work, but if it works, then maybe worth it?


@AirPlay - I have absolute zero coding skills, so it all sounds complicated to me, haha



(On-line store)  I'm trying to figure it out what's the best way to have a product and let the costumer pick different items for that product, for online orders/deliveries/pick-up.

As an example:

Let's say I have 40 different chocolate flavours available. And packages of 6, 12, 24 and 36 units.

How do I give the costumers the option to choose their flavours for the package of their choice. Is there a way for me to add a drop down menu option with the flavours only?


Thanks in advance