
Can I adjust business hours on Square Online for a holiday?

We will be closed for Memorial Day on Monday and I want to allow orders to keep coming in but I would like to let our customers know that they won't be able to pick up on Monday. Is there a way to "block out" Monday from a pick up day? If I change the business hours, it could show us closed EVERY Monday not just Memorial day...any fix to this?

Message 1 of 200
2 Best Answers

Best Answer

Thank you for your patience as our teams worked hard to get this feature ready for use! 


You can now set restricted dates at the location level to manage days on which you do not want to accept pickup and delivery orders. Head to your Online Overview page, select Settings > Pickup & delivery > select a location. Once here, pick a location, and you'll see Restricted dates:


Click Restricted dates to edit your hours - then scroll down on this page to find the Restricted dates section, and click Add date to start adding restricted dates. Feel free to check the box next to Repeat every year if your business is always closed on this specific date:


Screenshot 2021-01-08 at 3.55.15 PM.png

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Message 138 of 200
Beta Member

Best Answer

When  youre building the announcement pop up, there's a "style and content" tab and a "settings" tab. You go to the "settings" tab and go down to "schedule" and  click "set duration." You can set the date it starts and ends after that!  I hope that helps!!

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Message 196 of 200
199 REPLIES 199
Beta Member

Agreed! Square doesn't listen to us, they even charge 50 cents per delivery thinking that's a minimal fee when in reality it's so expensive and they don't provide basic features like the one you described or like sending order emails to multiple email addresses! Sorry I thought you didn't notice that you could add a restricted date which turned out to be a very half assed solution.

Message 43 of 200

I would also really like to see a holiday hours feature added soon! If we utilize the restricted day setting for the holidays we choose to be open, many of our customers will assume we're closed for those days rather than just having modified hours. Please update me when this feature is added, it was standard to other ordering applications we used prior to migrating to square so I'm surprised it still hasn't been added.

Message 44 of 200

How do I setup holiday hours for our online store? We are going to be closed Fathers Day? Only way I found is to disable this uncheck  Sunday hours. Is there a way to set it so it automatically closes on Holiday Hours??


Thank you

Message 45 of 200

Nope - there's not a way to set your hours to close automatically, you'll need to manually update your biz hours as you mentioned. @DaveP64

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 46 of 200
Beta Member

We’re a very busy bakery. We have deadlines for orders. It’s impossible to stop taking orders. So everyday we need to close and then open because during the same day we allow some orders and etc. 
its a full time job to keep up with this and customers are getting frustrated. 
Weird that you can not even mark closed for thanksgiving. 
very frustrated

Message 47 of 200
Square Community Moderator

@Berolina thanks for taking the time to make this thread. I've merged your post with an existing one so we can keep all of these requests in one place. Thank you!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 48 of 200

We need the option for holiday hours and the loud notification noise like DoorDash.

Message 49 of 200
Beta Member

Yes, here is another vote for allowing us to specify holidays we are closed (or have limited hours). I can specify this on Yelp, Google Business, Grubhub and DoorDash, but can't do this on my Square Weebly online ordering store. For example, with Labor Day coming up, I need to mark that day closed a week before and then make sure it's available again before the week rolls around again.

Message 50 of 200

This definitely needs to happen. Right now, pickup order scheduling goes a month ahead and yet I can only mark my store closed for the week ahead. This could cause issues with customers thinking they can pickup an item on a holiday, like Christmas Day. 

Message 51 of 200
Beta Member

I was greeted this morning by some very upset customers who drove to pick up their orders on Labor Day but we were closed 😞


The only way I could have avoided this would be to remove Monday as a day that we are open, and then add Monday back again today.  Unfortunately, I completely FORGOT to do this.


We really need to be able to set holiday closures.

Message 52 of 200

This is exactly what I’m afraid of. We need this ability. 

Message 53 of 200

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Best method to stop orders online when having to close early?


What is the best way to take the online order system offline temporarily when we have to close early for an unplanned reason?

Message 54 of 200
Square Champion

Hi @razorshaq !


Aaahhh, yes the proverbial thorn in my side that all the admins around here are tired of hearing me complain about. 🙂


Right now there isn't a way to disable the online store directly from the Point of Sale. There are two different ways you can go about turning off the store, both of which have to be done from the web dashboard :

-Square Dashboard -> Online -> Settings -> Checkout -> disable Accept Online Orders. The flaw with this way is that if you have multiple locations, all the locations are taken down. Don't forget to go back and turn on the webstore when you're ready!

-Square Dashboard -> Account & Settings -> Business -> Locations -> choose your location you need to disable. Scroll down to the business hours and change the hours of the current day to something earlier. This will immediately close that store. (Best way if you have multiple locations). Don't forget to come back here and adjust hours on a following day! *You can do this from the Point of Sale, come to think about it. But it's still a band-aid to a missing online store toggle....


Hope this helps!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 55 of 200

this is the best current method for sure, but they need to implement a close early options, or even custom daily hours (ie closing early tonight, and 12/24, 12/25, etc...). Grubhub tablets allow stores to this easily and quickly, wish Square was the same, 

Message 56 of 200

When will SQUARE allow us to adjust prep times to 10 minute increments (the jump from 15 to 30 minutes is unacceptable)

When will you allow us to adjust HOLIDAY HOURS?!??

the current "fix" is LAME!

Message 57 of 200

Right now, I don't have a timeline for you. We'll make an announcement when there's news to share. 




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Message 58 of 200

Just as an example, we are normally open Thurs-Sat 11-10 & Sun 11-6. But, we are open the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, closed Thanksgiving day, open the Wednesday before Christmas, shorter than normal hours Christmas Eve, and closed Christmas day. So I just went in and marked us open Wednesdays and closed Thursdays. On Nov 25 at 10pm I will mark us closed Wed & open Thurs. On Dec 17 I will change it to open Wed, closed Thurs. On Dec 23 at 10pm I will switch it to closed Wed, open Thurs, closed Fri. I haven't even figured out how to adjust after that. I hope I got that all straight, it's confusing as all heck!

Message 59 of 200

I blocked off time in appointments on our dashboard, but that doesn't seem to transfer to the online store.

Message 60 of 200



Adjusting hours for holiday is not doable without changing your normal biz hours unfortunately. 


We're tracking this request here. I merged your post to it so we can easily find you when there's good news to share. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 61 of 200
Beta Member

It’s not just Holidays that we need. Also, a way to close the store for the current day or a numbers of days. Sometimes we run out of ingredients or due to slow business, we need to close early. Having to change the current hours and change them back is error prone. 

Message 62 of 200

the holiday is NEXT WEEK. When can we expect a response on this?  

Many of us, if not all, are small business owners.  I'm just starting and this could cost me a lot of business in the future. I find a severe lack of support coming from Square/Weebly. 

Message 63 of 200