
Can I backdate or edit a transaction?

Hello Seller Community! 


Am I able to backdate or edit a transaction after the sale is complete? What if the sale occured earlier and I recived payment at a later date? 

Message 1 of 135
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Right now we have no plans to add the ability to backdate or manipulate transaction information after a sale is complete. 


For context, the ability to manipulate transactions can cause issues for reporting, 1099-K's, and chargebacks. Also it would make it easier for fraudsters and scammers to commit crimes using Square Point of Sale. 


Hopefully this has provided some transparency on this request, and why it's not available. 

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Message 2 of 135
134 REPLIES 134

 This reply was created from merging an existing thread: “Can I edit a payment transaction. I received payment last month for an invoice but had not cleared”


Hello @174! I merged your question into this thread so you can see Chad's Best Answer above. You can refund the invoice, but it won't be possible to record it on another date in the past. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 43 of 135

This reply created from merging an existing thread: "Can you back date a cash transaction that you forgot to enter" The author has been notified via email.


At a recent consumer trade show I forgot to log 1 cash transaction.  Is there a way to go back and enter it?

Message 44 of 135

We have a one-off custom item business.  During a busy sale period it is not uncommon, using the smartphone Square POS app, to forget to add or not have time to add information related to the item(s) sold, e.g. pattern or other distinguishing items to assist in stock control later.  Sadly the sales receipt/transaction is locked after payment, making such impossible.


How about adding the ability so save a comment with a transaction that can be entered at any time using either the smartphone or the Dashboard?  

Message 45 of 135
Square Community Moderator

Hi @luxcrafter


I've moved your post to this existing thread, as there isn't a way to add or remove any information from a transaction after the sale. This includes adding notes to the payment itself. 


We don't have any plans to implement this at the moment, but try creating a customer profile for the person that put in the order, and add notes to their profile including the date of their order and the order specifics that might've been left out of the sale. 


You could also look into customizing your item library and using the modifiers and item variations so that the specifics about an order are required before getting to the checkout screen. 

Message 46 of 135

First, many customers are one-offs and don't give info.  And that was not the question or issue ... that being, during a busy show it is sometimes necessary to go back to record tracking information that was skipped during the transaction.  A simple memo field associated with the sale, not the customer, is what is being requested, so this can be recorded.  It does not have to alter the transaction record, just be linked to it.  Seems like a simple and resonable request!



Message 47 of 135
Square Community Moderator

@luxcrafter Notes that are associated to a transaction are unfortunately treated as detail about the payment itself. Being able to edit or add details to a payment after it's already completed is still not something that we've had any movement on thus far, but if this does change I'll be sure to update everyone. 



Message 48 of 135

Adding the ability to edit a transaction would be extremely helpful.  I am often hurried while checking clients out and forget to select the proper location or I enter as a cash sale but would like to go back and select the specific items to track better.  I see the comments that there is no plan to implement any change, but I wanted to throw my request to do so as well.  It would make life much easier and more organized for the businesses you serve.

Message 49 of 135
Beta Member

Hi, I have read thru your threads from back to 2016 we are now in 2018 and we still have same problem.  My issue is I started off with Your booking appointments system not the POS.  I later discoverd how much more Square had to offer after being forced to convert from Book Fresh to Square Appointments.  I was getting payments thru another POS and have many options.  Now its tax season and I need to report the accurate information.  I notice I went back to begginging of year and all my appointments I had to close them out (check out) I took my time and started doing it but it is all registering client paid today.  So I just did 3 months of check outs to realize that its registering payments recieved in wrong month.  Although I understand you have reasons to avoid issues.  But our issues are not being resolved as well.  When running a small business, your the laborere, accountant, manager, maintenance, secretary every position so I find myself doing my numbers always at the end of the year. Especially if the customer pays cash we don't take the time to create a POS when they are already in system as an appointment.  You offer the option to create Reports on our Square account but how are we to create accurate information when system doesn't allow us to go back and correct this error.  Please let me know how I should proceed  I have 7 more months to process.  I just started using POS maybe in the middle of the year.  So those payments are accurate but sometimes I do enter clients information later when I have time.  

Benite C.
Message 50 of 135
Square Champion

there is nothing you can do if you have 10 months of unentered sales to backdate them, sales must be entered at the date they happen if you want to use the POS for accurate data and reports.  any sales entered today will be entered into the transaction log as having happened today.  you will have to use your paper sales log that you are using to enter sales into Square for your tax purposes until you are entering sales at the time of sale.

Message 51 of 135
Beta Member

I Realize this after I already entered all transactions.  Now how can I go back and correct this issue.  I am so upset at myself so now my numbers are all  messed up showing I made over 100,000 for this year and these are transactions from last year.  How do I correct this issue.  DO I have to shut it down and start over>>> ??? HELP please?? 

Benite C.
Message 52 of 135
Square Champion

you could refund all the transactions, but I would say you are honestly better off starting fresh and entering only this year's sales.  the dates will be wrong as all sales will show as the day you entered them but from now on out you will be right.  refunding all the transactions will just make a mess.

Message 53 of 135

Quickbooks can date the actual sale to the date it occured even in the past. Square, we are not scammer we are paying cusotmers. Why not add this functionality. This really means you do not turst the people that pay your bills, monthly fees for using your services in good faith. 


All major accounting and merchant systems allow back nad forward dating of invoices and payments. THis is especially god for errors during bank im[ports and other API transactions that may occure end of month and need to be accured properly.

Please consider to add this functionality. Verify the company / customer, mkae us pay more, what ever, just do it. it a joke not to have this. Otherwise every year we are off with invoicing that is manual or checks or cash. If you cant add this I wil be working on switching over to Intuit quick books and their payemnt systems. AS it is harder, but more robust and more widely used. Everything we do ends up in quickbooks for bookeeping and acounting 1099, I guess if this feautre is not added we wil make the switch and leave square.

Message 54 of 135
Beta Member

I have read thru this thread but wondered if you can change the catagory of an item that was just rung up under a 'custom amount' not an actual catagory/item selected?  With having transactions that don't have a catagory/item attached to the dollar amount and it's throwing off my reports.  Also is there a way to turn off that feature of ringing up an item without a catagory(custom amount)?  I understand having that custom amount feature is on there but I would like to turn it off so my assoicates HAVE to pick the catagory/item to ring up an item for a sale.

Message 55 of 135
Square Community Moderator

Hi @BeachEmbroidery


Unfortunately there's no way to edit the category of an item sale after it's been completed, nor is there a way to turn off the ability to ring up Custom Amount sales. 


That is an interesting request, so I'll definitely raise this to our Payments team.


 While it's not on our road map at the moment, we'll definitely let everyone know if this changes. 



Message 56 of 135

This comment was merged from: "how can i change the employee who collected money to another employee?"


All our employees have their own employee numbers. when they check out a costumer they have to put the numbetr of the employee who serviced the costumer that way we can keep track of tips. Some times the fron t desk forgets to put the employees number and they put their own number. How can i go back and change the employee alictaed to the transaction that way the right employee gets their tips?

Message 57 of 135

Hello @Coffeeandhair, welcome to the Seller Community! 


I went ahead and merged your thread since a similar question was already asked. Currently we don't offer the ability to edit transaction data after the sale. This includes editing which employee accepted the payment. 

Message 58 of 135

I see from other threads that it is not possible to backdate cash transactions. And there are no plans to add this feature. I own a very small business. I'm just figuring out square now after having used it for a few events. I didn't know how to record cash transactions. Now that I know how, I would really like to enter those transactions in the past. Not being able to do so renders Square useless to me forever as a tool to keep track of all sales. It's really disappointing. I will continue to need to use an excel spreadsheet. Not entering a few transactions correctly at first makes it impossible for me to rely on it now. ... Since I can't do it on my own, is there anyway I could work with tech support to enter some of those cash transactions with an old date?

Message 59 of 135

Hi @dherlihy - I've merged your post with this thread to keep all the posts on this topic together. Unfortunately, we're not able to backdate transactions on our end either.

Puka - She/They
Seller Community UX Designer
Message 60 of 135

Hi, one of my staff members entered the incorrect amount in "actual in draw" and proceded to end the day on the register. I was wondering if there was a way I could go back and fix this?


Message 61 of 135
Square Community Moderator

Hi @Addie1


I've moved your post over to this existing thread, as it touches on a similar topic of editing/backdating payments (including cash paid in/out) after the action has been completed. 


There isn't a way to edit your cash drawer report after it's already been closed unfortunately. 



Message 62 of 135

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Is there anyway to add transactions after the fact if an employee forgot to ring them in days later?


Hello! We have a small quick serve restaurant where customers are in and out of the store in less than 3 minutes total (our whole to go concept). What ends up happening a lot of the time is that our girls just know the prices for commonly purchased items and when the transactions are cash, sometimes they forget to ring them in. We have them do shift inventory sheets on paper just to monitor theft, so we know the correct amount of cash is being collected in a shift. However, when I pull up the reports for said shift, sometimes the cash is short as they have forgotten to ring items in. 


I could easily go back in and add these items on a specific day/shift, but my questions are a.Is there a way to do it from our desktop interface so I don't have to be physically present at the tablet itself? b. can this be backdated to a different day? This is as usually I am checking our inventory numbers vs. sales a day or two after the fact and these transactions would need to be added back on the correct date.


I keep both records for tax purposes but it would be nice if they matched up!


Thanks so much for any thoughts on this,


Burritos To Go KC

Message 63 of 135