
Time zone reporting when accounting office is in different location

I saw previous posts to this which is the only way i was able to figure this out, and after several hours on phone with support.  But i want to say that the fact that your reporting changes based on the time zone you are in makes absolutely no sense.  It should ALWAYS match the business time zone.  It makes reconciling any type of financials/banking while accounting office is in different location  near impossible/ especially while trying to reconcile bank accounts. I should not have to physically change the time on my computer every time I need to run a report for a location, especially because that messes up other settings and programs unrelated.  Please make this make sense, because it doesn't make sense and it seems whoever designed this feature  has never reconciled a bank or had to work on reporting accurate financials.  This has to be corrected, and seeing all of the previous complaints going back years relating to same issue, this is insane to me it has not yet been fixed.  This  may work for small local businesses/ mom and pops which i'm sure the primary amount is, but this does not work for larger businesses with outside accounting, or hotel industries where we have hotels all over the united states and centralized accounting. 

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Square Community Moderator

Thanks for reaching out, and sharing your feedback, @gnhi1


I definitely recommend posting this to our Ideate boards. This is where our product teams go to view feedback and feature requests from our Sellers, and is the best way to get your idea in front of the teams. 

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