Beta Member

eCommerce Integrations Report (NEW)

Hi All,


On march 8th I noticed a new "name" on my custom reports, called "eCommerce Integrations". I was caught by surprise, I have no idea what goes inside this new type of payment / source. 


Before we could have Uber Eats and Doordash reports matching the reports from their website, now I believe this new report is integrating online sales, uber, doordash and kiosk, but there is no way to separate this, so how I'm supposed to know what is the value that came from each source exactly? 


It's very frustrating to have updates that change flow of cash and report like this without a proper warning, or tutorial. 


Even the support wasn't able to help me on this.



Message 1 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @BBCafe1 


I haven't seen any other reports of this change besides yours. My advice with this would be to submit a Feature Request. To appropriately send these to our product teams we’d love it if you'd submit this request on our Ideate page for Square Reporting. Our team monitors these boards and we triage them to measure needs. You can search the boards to see if this has been requested before and add your use case if so!

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 2 of 4

This has also happened to me. When I look at my sales report and display by source. In addition to Point of Sale, UberEats, DoorDash, Grubhub and Square Online, it also has a "ecommerce integrations" line item that appears to be a mix of the the delivery apps and square online as they don't tie back to the platform reports and the square online emails that we get when we get an order. This seems to have started at the end of last week for us. It used to happen periodically on busy days, but it would eventually catch up and separate the sales to their proper source, but it doesn't seem to be doing that right now. 

Message 3 of 4
Beta Member

Hi JJ,


My account manager said this is a confirmed bug in the system and they are working on it. It started march 8th for us. 


I really appreciate the feedback and guidance on where to post it.


Thank you!

Message 4 of 4