
HellChanging Dining Option Doesn't Apply Tax Condition

We've noticed a bit of a bug in the Square for Restaurants POS — our business has a special tax (fee) setup when the dining option is set to "house" or "charge" — we've added a special tax to be applied on the condition of a dining option change.


If you open a check with one option and the customer decides to change the dining option, the change in dining option doesn't re-apply the conditional tax rule to the entire bill — it ONLY works if the dining option is set from the start.


Furthermore, it's really annoying that if you have a bill with multiple items, and you select say (4) items to edit — you can only comp, void, move, remove the items from the screen, you cannot bulk edit taxes on multiple items. You have to individually edit EACH item to re-apply the tax that should have been globally applied with the dining options change. 


This is highly inconvenient and not real-world — if you have a tax option condition that relies on a dining option, and the customer changes their mind — the rule should be conditionally re-applied on change. 

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Hi there @sychospitality - have you reached out to our Support team about this?


Something definitely sounds off here, as the correct tax rule should apply if the dining option is updated. If you haven't already, you'll want to reach out to our Support team first when you notice something like this. They'll be able to escalate the issue to the appropriate team and/or work with you to resolve the issue.


When you have a moment, please reach out directly by logging into your Square account and heading here.

Community Moderator, Square
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