
Feature Request: Quick Sales History from Item Library

From the main Item Library page, I'd like an easy way to see a quick chart of how many units of a particular item sold (by month, week, whatever).  When doing quick orders and checking on new products, it would be SUPER handy to have a quick visual way to assess product movement without having to pull a report for each product.


Ideally, this feature would be a pop-up and would NOT navigate away from the Item Library.  This needs to be a quick, at-a-glance feature.  Did I mention quick and easy enough times?  🙂

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Square Champion

@AudreyP You should submit this feature request here for a more direct line to the engineers and development teams.  Obviously, this is going to take some time, even if Square decides to put it on their product roadmap.


Otherwise, you don’t have to pull a report for each product.  But you do have to navigate away from the Item Library to the Reports section of your dashboard.  There you will find an Item Sales Report that should give you the information you need for whatever period you need.  Just open it in a separate window, side by side with your Item Library window, so that you can find what you need and still not “navigate away.”  No, it’s not a chart, but it should allow you to get what you want rather efficiently.


If I’m misunderstanding you, let me know.  I can try to adjust my suggestion.  At this point, I’m trying to help you find a short-term solution.




If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps people who find this thread in the future.

Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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