
Improvements to Purchase Orders

I'm wondering if there is an option to change a few things on how the POs are generated.

  1. The purchaser automatically defaults to the account owner, who doesn't work for us anymore. Even if she did, it would be more helpful to be able to set a role in the company as a buyer and have them be able to use their names, or at least have it be a box that can be filled in.
  2. PO numbers are automatically assigned. Is there a way to create custom PO numbers? With 100s of POs a year, it is going to be a huge pain not to be able to use custom codes to help our accounting team.
  3. Is there a function being built where we'll be able to write POs for the same vendor but break out different amounts going to different locations?i.e. an allocated PO so we don't have to write 10 POs to the same vendor for the same items, just getting shipped different places.
  4. Ship to addresses - often the physical address for our stores, which is what is saved in the location page, is not where merchansize should be sent. Can this be editable before the PO is generated?

If none of these are fixable, is there a 3rd party app that you recommend to help make the POs written through Square more robust? Currently, I'm having to edit the PDF to meet my needs which is not sustainable. 


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Square Community Moderator

Hi @reggleston


Sorry for the late reply here. 


I was able to check in with our Retail team to help get some answers to your questions. 


They informed me that unfortunately everything you mention here is a feature request that they're currently tracking and taking note of. 


They were able to provide a couple of workarounds for 2 of the things that you brought up in your post. 


In regards to the first question, our Retail team recommend that you make your own account if the original account is no longer with the business. But, if you're looking to use another employee for PO's, you can log in using another employee and not as the master account owner. You can add an email to employees for sign in. 


For Question 4, you can edit your shipping address under location before creating the PO. 


They also recommended that you check out our partnership integration with Shopventory, as it might be a great fit for your business model. 


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