Square Champion

Slow Reporting of Sales

Has anyone noticed that Transactions are no longer appearing right away??


I would make a sale, process it and then ask customer if they wanted a receipt.  Usually I get a yes or no and hand them a receipt or email or text as per their preference.  Before If the customer asked if they could have a text receipt then changed their mind I could Press Transactions and print another receipt instantly.   Now it is taking 15 min or so for a Transaction to show up?   


Has anyone else noticed this?   


Using Square for Retail on a Square Stand Ver 1   using app 6.27.1

Pocono Candle

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Message 1 of 9
Square Community Moderator

There is a current disruption causing this @Candlestore. Thank you for the flag! You can see updates on issquareup.com

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 9
Square Champion

@JJ_ ;

Yes I checked that is square up and called support.  My issue is Square asks us sellers for Proof of said sale, and currently I can not print out a receipt for MY records to prove I had the sale.   I have to take Square's word if the sale happened if I cannot see the deposit in my records.... This is a weekend which is one of our busiest days!!!


Which all Support says is Trust us..... sorry but with other sellers in this forum with Squares outage before and they were asked for proof of sales this has me suspicious that I need to Trust Square! 


Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
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Message 3 of 9
Square Community Moderator

I completely understand. What I have received from Engineers is that Sales are processing but the reporting happening after that is affected. So you will complete a sale and it will not appear in the transactions tab just yet but as long as it shows completed/approved it will be good. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 4 of 9
Square Champion

@JJ_ ;

I use a Square Stand, so reporting is slow. I get that... Is there a way I can send ALL receipts to be printed as BACKUP to the virtual terminal on the same network that has a Thermal USB printer?  I am trying to set this up now and find printer settings as a Backup.... so I have a Physical copy of receipts Just in Case.  I know I saw before that I could print a receipt out at multiple Receipt printers but can not locate Printer Profiles right now.

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
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Message 5 of 9
Beta Member

Hey @JJ_ I had an issue arise due to the reporting delay today: A customer made a purchase, and a few minutes later, wished to make exchange it for a different item. However, due to the reporting delay, I was unable to access the recent transaction. Even when scanning the customer receipt, the POS returned the receipt as invalid. This was not only a poor experience for me and the customer, but also reinforced the need for a very basic function that Square continues to neglect: Allowing returns without a receipt. I have posted multiple times about this over the years, and I have read many other threads pleading with Square to add this very basic function that is otherwise universal to all other POS systems and retail policies. Can you please explain to me why Square does not allow a retailer to offer refunds/exchanges without reconciling against a transaction?

Message 6 of 9
Square Community Moderator

I promise you I am not trying to evade your question. I just wanted to let you know that refund processing was also affected (delayed) during Saturday's disruption. 


Now, to answer your question, my understanding is that at this time, Square requires a Transaction (not necessarily the purchase receipt to be able to complete the refund process (same as every other card processor and retail store out there) this is mainly to make sure that a refund goes to the exact card that it was debited from and avoid Chargeback or dispute fraud. However, not many Sellers know that they can tap, insert, or swipe a card in the Transactions screen, and this will bring up all transactions that have been completed with the specific card, making it easier to process a refund without a physical or digital receipt. 


I hope this information is helpful @MagicToybox.



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 7 of 9
Square Champion

@JJ_ ;

Thanks I just figured it was a busy weekend with the Square issues.

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
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Message 8 of 9
Beta Member

@JJ_  "Square requires a Transaction (not necessarily the purchase receipt to be able to complete the refund process (same as every other card processor and retail store out there) this is mainly to make sure that a refund goes to the exact card that it was debited from and avoid Chargeback or dispute fraud."


Having worked many years in retail, and this has never been the case. Customer service/satisfaction trumps the small chances of fraud. This is something that should be decided by the client- not Square. And as I said, in relation to Sunday's Square issue causing a delay - there was no way to access the transactions. So... it would have been nice to have a way to make a valid return without accessing the transaction. 

Message 9 of 9