
Appointments: Setting up hours for scheduling multiple locations

I am pulling my hair out trying to set up hours at 2 different locations.  I was trying to get it so that each location had it's own color.  I am the only massage therapist though and so the system sees it as an overlap in hours.  Also on the online booking site I have my available hour put in and it will still let you schedule at another time.  Help please

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Hi @sharpsenses, I'm very sorry to hear about the frustration this is causing.

The colors that show on your calendar are set from the Staff profile and not the Location. I'm afraid this means you won't be able to change the color if you're the only therapist working at both locations.


You can manage the hours that you are available at each location from your Appointments Dashboard:

  1. Nagivate to the Staff section of your online Dashboard.
  2. Click on your name and under Location and hours click Manage Staff Locations.
  3. Check the box next to the day you plan to work at each location, and enter your hours.
  4. If you have two locations you can't set overlapping hours, as the system assume you can't be in the same place at the same time. 

The availability you set following the steps above should reflect correctly on your Online Booking site. If it's still not correct and clients have been able to to book times you shouldn't be available, I suggest calling our CS team so that an Appointments specialist can take a closer look for you. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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