
Appointments are saved in my timezone, but notifications are sent 3 hours earlier

Hi all! I'm having a problem

where even though my app is set to EST and shows on my end the correct start time for appts, it sends notifications as PST, 3 hours earlier than the appt time. I've checked and changed the setting several times over and yet this issue persists. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? 

Message 1 of 55
1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Appointments saving as wrong time zone

Hey @Flowerstyles, thanks for your patience. 


If you or your clients are receiving appointment notifications in the wrong time zone, I would suggest going through the following steps from from your Appointments Dashboard (apologies if you have tried some of them already):


  • Check the time zone for the affected client from their Customer Profile
  • Check the time zone settings in the Locations tab of the Account & Settings menu.
  • Check the time and date settings on your mobile device or computer from System Preferences.
  • If you’re using the Appointments app, delete and reinstall it.


If you have not been enable to fix the issue after attempting these steps, please get in contact with our Support team directly so that we can investigate this further. 

1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hey @Flowerstyles, thanks for your patience. 


If you or your clients are receiving appointment notifications in the wrong time zone, I would suggest going through the following steps from from your Appointments Dashboard (apologies if you have tried some of them already):


  • Check the time zone for the affected client from their Customer Profile
  • Check the time zone settings in the Locations tab of the Account & Settings menu.
  • Check the time and date settings on your mobile device or computer from System Preferences.
  • If you’re using the Appointments app, delete and reinstall it.


If you have not been enable to fix the issue after attempting these steps, please get in contact with our Support team directly so that we can investigate this further. 

View Best Answer >

Message 6 of 55

You can upload it here!

Puka - She/They
Seller Community UX Designer
Message 22 of 55

I have tried all of these!


I have been with Square since March 2017. It is such a pain in the booty! Somehow, I don’t know how, by pure miracle I was able to fix it back then. I got frustrated and just clicked and clicked and it fixed. Well, I log in yesterday and the message about my appointment book not matching my business hours time zone appeared. AGAIN. 


I work in central time. ALL OF MY CLIENTS are in Texas, in central time. I have looked at the scheduled business hours and they all have CTS and I click save and refresh and it does not fix the problem. 


The page is not the easiest to navigate. Even when I searched “business hours” or “time zones” on the dashboard it does not give me anything close to what I am looking for. 


And really? Have clients pick their own time zones? I thought it linked to whatever time zone they are looking at. It just doesn’t sound user friendly. Shoot, I get frustrated with the system and I see it everyday. 


I have sent an email as well. 

Message 23 of 55

girl, youre not crazy!!! im going through the same thing and im ready to pull my hair out!!

Message 24 of 55

Stop beating yourself up this is a sqaure programmer problem. If you are like me and have recurring it is a night mare, When I reported it they had me sedn screen shoots exct then I heard nothing for over a week, Jordon is working on this for me now if they would just reach out and let us know we haven't lost our minds.

Message 25 of 55

ok, here goes. i live in Northwest Indiana, near Chicago. I am very aware that i live in a Central Time Zone. My square acct. is set up for CDT. I am using Square Scheduling and my clients are recieving text message confirmations for appointments that are set to start 1hr. later than their scheduled appointment. so if "Sally" has an appointment for 1pm, her appointment in my online scheduling also says 1pm, but her text confirmation is for 2pm. How do i fix that? It doesnt help that i cant get in touch with Square Support Sat-Sun 😞

Message 26 of 55

@jteibs I'm sorry for the frustration this is causing. @Emmanuel provided some troubleshooting steps in the Best Answer of this thread. When you have a chance can you go through each step?


If your clients' notifications are still sending a the wrong time please call our CS team during the week to report this issue. They're available 6am-6pm PT, Monday through Friday and will be able to investigate this further.

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 27 of 55

Helen, thank you for tagging me in this post, its letting me know that i am not the only one using this app that is having problems! i tried all of the suggestions all to no avail. 

my home computer is set to CDT. My clients are showing me their texts and they are recieving texts via EDT. their client profiles are all set to CDT. its a flaw in the system. 

and, as someone else stated, i am also sending out screenshots of my clients texts to customer support. 

Square needs to fix this STAT.  no one has time for this. 

Message 28 of 55

Hi again @jteibs. Thanks for going through the steps and contacting the team. I see that an Appointments specialist is already working on this for you and they'll follow up with you as soon as they have more information.


Thanks again for flagging this, we definitely want to get it resolved for you ASAP! 



️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 29 of 55

Why is this titled "solved" if it's not been solved. I need this fixed asap .

Message 30 of 55

Hi @James3490 - All threads that have a "best answer" are marked as "solved" so that people can find them more easily. Have you tried going through those steps that Andres details out in the first page? If not, you can give our team a call or send over an email to get help from an Appointments specialist.

Message 31 of 55

 I called customer support last night to discuss this but am in need of extra help. I am currently based on the east coast but I am managing appointments that will be taking place on the west coast later this month. In preparation, I have changed our business time zone and address to reflect Pacific Standard Time. The rep I spoke with said that I do not need to tell clients to schedule things for 3 hours in advance and that when someone books an appointment for 8pm, (regardless of what time zone they are in when they book it) that it is for 8pm PST since I made those changes.

I just changed my computer's timezone to PST and logged in to see if this was the case and saw that all of the appointments that have been booked are 3 hours earlier than when they need to be.

Do our clients have to change their timezones on all of their devices to book this correctly? This is incredibly confusing as we have clients from all parts of the country looking to book appointments in California. Please let me know what is the best course of action I can take for this problem!

Message 32 of 55
Square Community Moderator

Hi @tfavini


Were you able to check on the time zone settings that were mentioned in the Best Answer of this thread?


Usually those bullet points are what causes this to happen, so a quick run through of these might do the trick for you. 

Message 33 of 55

It's stemming from where new clients are first created.  It asks you for time zone. The default is PST. My file was imported so do I have to manually change 1000 clients ?



Message 34 of 55
Square Community Moderator

@mustanggirl136 That doesn't sound right. We might have to look at this with you in detail. Try giving our Appointments CS Team a call so they can walk through this with you to make sure things are setup correctly. 

Message 35 of 55

I'm located in the Eastern time zone and my clients reminders are coming in Pacific time zone. Its throwing them off. They're thinking their appointments are 3 hours earlier.

Message 36 of 55

Please help us, having the same problem 

Message 37 of 55

Hi @Katirebecca and @Karahs2, thanks for surfacing this and sorry for the frustration—we definitely do not want that confusion for our buyers and sellers. I went to check on this and it looks like a few other sellers were encountering this issue, and got an answer in this thread: Appointments saving as wrong time zone. Have a look at Emmanuel's reply and let us know if that helps. 🙂

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 38 of 55
Beta Member

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: How can i change my time zone? Everytime i set an appointment the time is off by 1 hour.


How to change your Time zone on the calendar appointments.

Message 39 of 55

@cactus The time zone troubleshooting steps in this thread should help! But if this issue persists go ahead and give us a call. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 40 of 55

I reported this problem to Square months ago and NOTHING has been done about it.  Tonight, my guests once again arrived 1 hour early for the appointment because Square sent them an INCORRECT time on the confirmation message.  The problem is this:  Square's appointment application offers clients a choice to select their own time zone or the time zone of the business location when scheduling their appointment.  WHY, Square, WHY?????????  What could possibly be the reason for a client to require a confirmation for an appointment at a business in the East Coast Time Zone with a time referenced that is incorrect because it is based on another time zone?????  Clients don't understand this when making an appointment and they chose their own time zone.  Consequently, they have no idea Square is going to send them a confirmation time that is incorrect because it is based on another time zone.  This is so easy to fix, Square!!!!  Just get ride of the feature allowing clients to chose the time zone.  THE ONLY TIME ZONE should be provided is the time zone where the business is located.  I am BEGGING Square to please remove this useless, confusing feature.  There is absolutely no reason to offer clients a choice like this, leaving them open to receiving appointment reminders with incorrect times referencing incorrect time zones with tiny notations the clients NEVER notice.   Also, there is no way for the Square business owner to be advised when a client has unknowingly selected a different time zone without scouring through appointment details of every single booking made by out of state clients to confirm that one of them has not inadvertently chosen their own time zone instead of the time zone of the business.  HELP HELP HELP PLEASE

Message 41 of 55

Thanks for your post @distraeb, I'm very sorry to hear this has been happening, it definitely shouldn't be - if you haven't already I recommend giving us a call. When you call an Appointments specialist will be able to see what happened with that particular client's appointment and see why their notification caused them to arrive early. Also, if you call in a specialist can reset all of your client's timezones to match the timezone of your business if needed! Aplogies again for all the trouble this caused and thanks for flagging this again! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 42 of 55