
Contactless & Chip Reader update hang

I wanted to attach my C&C Reader to a new phone, so I thought I'd make sure it was diconnected/forgotten from my old phone (partly because I will be retiring the old phone), and it needed to update.


It got to 27% then hung, despite having a good, solid wifi signal.


I went through all the troubleshooting steps and now the notification panel simply says "Square Reader Updating" and never progresses.


The other thing I noticed is when I reboot/reattach the reader, the notification in the register app says the reader is charging, even if it's not connected to a charger.

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So, this inexplicably fixed itself.


After posting previously, I let the reader sit attached to my phone, attempting to update. I checked it every so oftento see if it were still doing something.


After about an hour, I had to eave the house, so I grabbed the devices to keep an eye on, and it was still in the same sad situation when I left.


Half an hour later, I check and the notification is gone, so something happened?


I check the Register app and the reader is disconnected. I turn it back on, and once connected it goes back to updating.


Except it actually progresses and finishes.


Weirdness, but it seems to be solved.

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I had the same issue. Come to find out my new phone was unable to update the software on the reader. So I used my tablet to update reader software and then connected it to my phone and it works just fine. Hope this helps.

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