
Contactless chip reader will not accept payments

I have the contactless chip reader and it is not accepting payments.


It charges and connects to my

phone with no problem. However, it will not  read a credit card once inserted and none of the lights come on at all.

I have tried resetting it by pushing the button for 20 seconds but the orange nor the red lights will come on. 


I have had this hardware a little less than a year and I have only used it for about a month. 


Any ideas what could be wrong with it? Thanks in advance!!

Message 1 of 4
Square Champion

@Amiller79 :

  When you say that the Reader is Connected to the Phone...... Did you connect it through the Phones Bluetooth or through the Square App adding a Card Reader?   You need to add the Card reader through the Square App.

Since I have no idea which Phone or app you are using here is a link to some Troubleshooting steps:



Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
Make Sure App and OS is up to date on your Device.
Message 2 of 4

I use my phones bluetooth .

I open the square app and turn my bluetooth on and it connects.


I don't have a problem connecting it just will not read a credit card once inserted.  It says try inserting card again then it tells me it can't read it. 

Message 3 of 4
Square Champion

@Amiller79 ;

I would recommend going through the Troubleshooting steps I sent earlier, and if that does not work call Square support.  Since the reader is over a year old, it may have gone bad and a replacement is needed.  Nothing lasts forever.  Since you say you have had the Reader for about a year but only used it for a month, I am wondering if something with the battery being drained during storage may have caused a problem?  I have 4 readers, 2 of which were actually soaked by a broken water pipe, and I have 1 out of the 4 that I have connection issues with.  I have had these readers since at least 2019.  Now I also have read on these forums that the thicker american express cards damage these readers when inserted.  Could that be possible?   Did you try a small charge with your Credit card, and then refund it if it goes through?  I usually only use 1 card reader at my front counter, but have 2 Square stands with their own USB connected and each has a 2nd Bluetooth connected reader incase the USB connected readers goes bad or gives me an issue.  I like to have redundant systems in case of failure.  

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
Make Sure App and OS is up to date on your Device.
Message 4 of 4