
Dashboard session timeout

Within the last week or so, Dashboard started logging me out after a period of inactivity.  This is annoying as I'm used to being logged in all day and coming back to it as needed, and now I have to log back in MANY times a day.  Is there a way to turn this off or adjust in settings or is this a bug?

Message 1 of 166
4 Best Answers

Best Answer
Mackenzie here from the Product Insights team – I definitely hear the frustration in the thread, and agree that this change could have been handled better. Although from one perspective we've fixed the bug that kept everybody logged in indefinitely, I completely understand how the bug resulted in new workflows that you relied on – workflows that were disrupted when we implemented a fix without warning you ahead of time.
Your account security is our top concern, and we're always evaluating how to balance safety with experience. I hear your desire for customization, and I've let our product management team know so they can track the request. For now, we'll probably be leaving the timeout as-is, so I recommend using one of the password tools mentioned elsewhere on the thread to help make the experience a little more convenient.
Thanks again for your patience and feedback.

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Message 39 of 166

Best Answer

If you are using Firefox the 'Auto Reload Tab' extension by Alan Ramsey may help:



The extension allows you to set a time interval, after which, the page will be reloaded,

keeping the session kept alive. It has pre-set intervals that can be selected or you can

add you own interval time. It also provides the option to reset the timer whenever

you react with the page (type/click) so it will not reload while your working.


I haven't lookd but there may be similar extension/add-ons for other browsers.


Seems to me that this it the feature that Square should provide intrinsically.

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Message 96 of 166
Square Champion

Message 97 of 166
Beta Member

Best Answer

While a fix from Square would be ideal I use 'Super Auto Refresh Plus' extension for Chrome.


It's free, works on several pages and you can set the refresh times.


Typical for me is the main Square PC dashboard page on auto refresh for every 15 minutes.  This way if I need to enter a customer, create an invoice, etc. I'm logged in all day.  I just have to remember to go back to the home page when I'm done or it will time out.  It remembers the page you set it on so even after shutting down it will be on automatically next time you open that page.

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Message 123 of 166
165 REPLIES 165
Beta Member

hi, thanks for that update. I did find a bit of a shorter route to signing in. I bookmarked the calendar page and now when signing in it goes directly to that page. I don't mind signing in as much as I had to sign in AND then go to appointments, then calendar. It was too many clicks.  it will be nice when we can opt to stay signed in. 

Message 148 of 166
Beta Member

THREE years later and you still have not provided the function that your customers have requested. As noted previously, we're not children ... we know how to secure a computer. Forced timeout is ridiculous. I'm not even going to spend the time explaining the "why" behind this request. Make this an option!!

Message 149 of 166

Also having this issue, was really hoping they'd have addressed it by now as it seems many people are frustrated by the lack of a "keep me logged in on this pc" feature. Having to sign in 40+ times a day is just getting ridiculous, we shouldn't have to install a browser add on for something this simple.

Message 150 of 166

It never fails that I begin creating a purchaser order, add like 10+ items, then I have to help a customer or check them out. Come back and everything I did is gone. Absolutely frustrating and a SUPER waste of time. If you're gonna auto log-out, at the very least, please auto-save?

Message 151 of 166

Square logs out way too quickly. If you stop working to deal with another issue or a meeting (and, hey - this is a business and that happens ALL THE TIME) Square loses whatever you were working on when it logged you out. There are many complaints about this going back years. Our computers are in secured locations. Could you please make the logout interval something we can set?

Message 152 of 166

This has been a frustration of ours for several years & it is absolutely unbelievable that they haven't changed the log out situation when so many customers have voiced their opinions. 

Message 153 of 166

As more competitors enter the arena, Square may find itself going the way of American Motors, Sears, and Radio Shack. Inflexibility typically leads to obsolescence. 


Message 154 of 166

I also find this pretty ridiculous and think it should be changed. Just adding my voice to the masses to show agreement, and to be notified if it changes. 

Message 155 of 166
Beta Member

First time posting to the community and happy to see I'm not alone in my frustration around the lack of controls Square provides for auto log out of the Dashboard. 


The solution to use a password manager or have my browser save passwords is not effective for my business because we have several team members that use the same computer to process orders, but they work different shifts. I've instructed them to not save their password because I want them all to log in as themselves. However, in each of there separate shifts, they have to log in as themselves over and over.  


I'd like square to allow me, as the others expressed above, to control when the Dashboard should be logged out. 


It looks like this thread started back in 2018.  Please make this change ASAP.

Message 156 of 166

It's been 3+ years and still no good response from Square. This is very annoying. It should be a simple checkbox or menu toggle to request/disable your own logout time interval. 

Message 157 of 166

Well it looks like Square has now made it even harder to stay logged in, adding a "IM NOT A ROBOT" selection every time when signing in now, rendering browser refreshers useless. 

Seriously cannot believe its been this long and still no option to "stay logged into this computer". Really is ridiculous having to sign in 10+ times a day. This is seriously having us consider other POS systems.

Message 158 of 166

I am sick and tired of having to log in all day long.  I understand security, but you must also understand the frustration when someone is waiting to check out and I have to log back in.  Can you make it that we can choose how long we want to stay logged in?  This has been going on for YEARS, as evidenced by this thread.  Thank you.

Message 159 of 166

As is obvious because this thread has been going for so long, it is not a "choice" of the product management team but muct be built into the core technology upon which Square was built to time out regularly. It's interesting that the Square Online side of things, built by Weebly, has no such time out. So don't wait for a fix to this. Don't wait for the product team to come to it's senses. The engineering team built the system to work this way and can't change it easily. 

Message 160 of 166

Regardless of why they ignore what so many ask for, I fixed it. I switched to another platform.

Message 161 of 166

What are you using now?  

Message 162 of 166

We are on Shopify now. They have so many great apps that will integrate as well. The inventory/back office NEVER times out! 🎉🎉

Message 163 of 166

I would like this fixed. Maybe a 'toggle switch, keep me login', my email has this.

Message 164 of 166
Beta Member

Chiming in to add that lately, it's been signing me out far too frequently. At least give us the option to set intervals. Even my IPHONE gives me the ability to set lock screen intervals. Cmon square. Do better.

Message 165 of 166

SQUARE PLEEEEEEEEEEASE fix this desktop timeout issue, and give me an OPTION for LONGER or if you WANT SECURITY like you claim, then let it so I can put in a PIN like you do on Tablets and other devices!!! 

I have customers that will be mid checkout, and the thing just logs out and i have to re enter everything!! Or even worse, theyll finish their checkout, and i have to log back in to make sure the payment was processed by looking at the TRANSACTIONS while the customer is watching too, and gets to see all the processed payments -_- talk about security being a priority? ? Cmon yall! 

Message 166 of 166