
Did a refund on a cash transaction. It did not show up on Cash Drawer Report

As usual, the square transaction screwed up.


A transaction was marked as a CASH transaction.


Then the customer finally got their card to work.


So there was a duplicate transaction.


We went back and marked the CASH transaction as "accidental charge" and issued a refund. 


At the end of employee shift, they run their cash drawer report.


Well, that REFUND was not accounted for. Which means the cash drawer report said that there should be more cash than there actually was.



Message 1 of 13
Square Champion

we have done over 27,000 transactions in Square in the past 2 years and haven't had a single error, So "As usual, the square transaction screwed up." is definitely not the usual.


The community here likely won't be able to help you with this unfortunately because we can't see your activity log to see what transactions took place and how they were executed and what could have gone wrong.


I recommend calling support to see what they can see rather than trying to go back and forth on email or twitter.  


Go to this page to get your customer code if you don't already have it stored somewhere.  https://squareup.com/help/us/en/contact

the easiest way to get your code is to click other, other, call support then write that number down.  call 855-700-6000



Message 2 of 13

Well then I must be really unlucky. Because numerous times the readers and printers don't pair all the time. Or the print screen receipt sometimes decides to show up and not show up. And sometimes employees have to swipe several times and then it accidentally gets marked as a cash transaction instead of visa. I'll have to set up an hour of my time to wait on the phone for square support. Thanks. 

Message 3 of 13
Square Champion

Bluetooth pairing is sometimes finicky. It does usually re-pair after the phone wakes up but once in a while it doesn't. For how old and how many versions Bluetooth has had it still doesn't seem like it's ready for prime time.  Our iPad registers never drop the connection on awakening them but the iPhones do maybe once every couple days. Could be because the phone has other Bluetooth things in its history it connects to but isn't at the current time. 


The print receipt screen doesnt show up if they have an email address on file sometimes. I agree that's annoying. But you can tap menu, activity and select the transaction and click print receipt in a matter of 5 seconds as a work around. 


I don't see how swiping a credit card could somehow get marked as a cash transaction. You'd have to back out of the payment and choose cash and complete the transaction with an amount tendered, it's not going to accept the card swiped and complete the transaction and mark it as a cash sale. If that is somehow getting marked as cash and is paid with a swiped credit card you should definitely call in with those as they would want to know the specific transactions. 


Just being another user I can't see your records (for obvious privacy concerns) so that's why I recommend calling. They can log into your system to diagnose it from the inside. I must have called at the right times because I've never waited more than 5 minutes and was on the phone with a gentleman for almost 35 minutes one time. 


Best of luck. 

Message 4 of 13

We used an iPad. And didn't have any other devices.  I was shocked at how many times it couldn't get a connection. Once even a few days is one time too many when minimum wage employees are working the register and it's a training process to explain to them what items to ring up. As you can imagine when the iPad doesn't pair with the chip reader or the printer that's just not ok. Seriously the process was to turn off iPad. Reset reader which again if you are not familiar with how to do that it's not obvious as you have to take out of the cradle and press the button on the back. When chip reader is connected to iPad there isn't even a light letting you know. It's always off. Only on the first couple of seconds. So after a few hours you never know if things are paired. Would be nice to have a light always on to let you know. Then when it still doesn't pair you have to go to settings in square app and find the connected devices. Again, explaining this to a minimum wage cashier is just way over their head and it shouldn't be something I should have had to troubleshoot every week for them. Maybe if you have that big square reader where the whole iPad attaches you don't have that problem. But I had the chip reader with the cradle and also a matching square printer. Still a few hundred dollar investment that wasn't super reliable. 

Message 5 of 13

Oh. One more thing to add. I did call. I have waited an hour for support. No joke. Really shocked as I know so many people use this device for registers. 

Message 6 of 13

Hey @tdllc, thanks for taking the time to share and I'm sorry to hear about your experience with keeping the reader connected.


I wanted to check in and see how things went — once you got through to our Support Team, were you able to get the reader issue sorted out? If you've had a chance to give all of these troubleshooting tips a try and it's still acting up, you might want to consider filing a warranty claim. I will flag your post with our Product Liaison team, as they are always working on improvements based on seller feedback.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 7 of 13

Im so glad to see you've processed so many transactions. I'd like to know if there is a way to print out a report just for REFUNDS.  And I also noticed that when I process a sale and there's a tip added, the tip is included in the total sales for the day on Square Register...is the same on the Report Summary on the Desktop? 

Message 8 of 13

Hi @Aura, while there isn't a report for refunds specifically, you can download and export of your transactions from your Transactions page and this file has a column for refunds. While a little more manual, it will at least give you access to this info in a more organized way. Hope that helps!

Message 9 of 13

Found this thread and wondering if anyone can help. Had same problem as OP. I have never had an issue before with refunds not showing up. It's on the drawer report from the end of the day, but on my items sales report, it doesn't show up, so I'm a few dollars off. Not a big deal, but it's annoying and I would like to know how to fix it. I don't see it in transaction report either.

Message 10 of 13


@Carnegie You're right, refunds should appear in your Items Sales Report CSV. But if a specific refund isn't showing on that report. I would first recommend double checking the date range on the top left of your Square Dashboard to make sure it includes the refund in question. If you still don't see the refund in your Item Sales Report please call our Support team so we can take a closer look.

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Message 11 of 13
Square Champion

The tip issue is happening to me;  I had a transaction that included a tip by mistake, so I refunded the entire transaction and re-entered it properly.  The tip still shows in my reports though and is throwing off the 'total sales' amount. 

New Light Photography | SUB Photo | Square fan
Message 12 of 13

Hey @Michael_L, thanks for checking in here and taking the time to flag this.


I went to look for updates and I can see that a member of our Engineering Team is actively looking into your report. The team member assisting with your case will keep you posted at the email tied to your account as updates become available.


Sorry for the confusion this is causing—and thanks for your patience.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 13 of 13