Square Champion

Dollars off not showing up, only percentage

Hi! In Square Appointments, only percentage discounts are showing up, dollars $ off are not for some reason. Is anyone else experiencing this?



UV-Free Tanning Salon Owner, Northern California (Campbell)
Square Champion - Expert
Message 1 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @Bronze_Palms,


Sorry to hear that is happening! How long have you noticed that this is occurring?

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 4
Square Champion

On May 1st - we typically only do %. We also use Square Appointments - I know not all apps on Square are created equal. Could this have something to do with it?

UV-Free Tanning Salon Owner, Northern California (Campbell)
Square Champion - Expert
Message 3 of 4
Square Champion

@Bronze_Palms ;

It also Depends on HOW you select the Discount Screen.  (At least for Square for Retail)  If I press the Green Discounts button on an Ipad Square Stand, I can see the Dollar Discounts even though there is a % in the corner of the Discount.  If I select the Item to apply a Discount I am ONLY given the % off discounts to choose from.  And as of Today 6-7-2023 Square has a NEW Square for Retail screen which accesses the Discounts Differently but still only shows the % discounts to choose from if you select the Item then apply a discount.  


By choosing the Green DISCOUNTS button on the Checkout screen on an Ipad you can see the $ Discount even though the top Left shows % (1 Free 28oz Candl....) Discount of $20.99 top left Green Discount in Picture.




By choosing the Item FIRST and not the Green Discounts Button You get only % discounts.  New Format Experience, need to hold Item then Turn on Discounts then Select the discount from the list.




Current Standard version Still only % Discounts when choosing the Item First to slide the Discount on an Item.



This might be why you only are seeing % discounts if that is Normally what you apply and select the Item first and not the Green Discounts Button.  

Now I just tried the App on my Android Phone and Discounts is in Blue and does show both $ and % discounts but this has 3 WAYS to add a Discount and 2 of which show the $ discount 1 only shows all my % off discounts.  

So yes each system is different slightly and if you are using Square for Retail maybe I can help you out more if you need it.

Pocono Candle

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