
Email Marketing Unsubscribed Customers

Question... Is Square's email marketing like every other Email Service Provider out there where the contacts who click unsubscribe are automatically removed from the groups/lists? I keep getting customers telling me that they tried unsubscribing like 3 times and are still receiving my emails. Thanks in advance.

Message 1 of 4

I'm sorry for the frustration @Viral_Trends! 


When your customers unsubscribe they should automatically stop receiving marketing emails from you right away. The only caveat to that is if your customers used multiple email addresses, in which case they'd have to unsubscribe from each of their email accounts.


You can check that a customer has successfully unsubscribed from marketing emails from your online Dashboard.


If you've confirmed that your customer's have unsubscribed but they're still receiving your marketing emails please let our Support team know. It would be great if you could have following information to hand when you contact Support: 

  1. The specific email campaign (or campaigns) that customers received even after unsubscribing.
  2. Your customer's email address.
  3. The date they received the marketing email after unsubscribing. 

That information will help us to dig into this and escalate this issue to our engineers if needed! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 2 of 4

If a customer Unsubscribes from an email and I import my list from Mailchimp again does that customer still remain unsubscribed?

Message 3 of 4

Hello @1Moment1Shot, thanks for checking in here.


I think I see what you mean—in this case, customers who unsubscribed from your email campaigns sent from your MailChimp account would not automatically transfer that status over to Square. If you're looking to import a customer, you would have to make sure your customers are removed from MailChimp's list.


I know that we're required to indicate which customers have unsubscribed from your email list. For specifics on how to access this information on our end, have a look here: Can I see which customers are unsubscribing from my e-mails?


For additional information on the CAN-SPAM Act, have a look at our Support Center: Manage Unsubscribed Customers.


Hope this helps get you in the right direction. Let us know if anything else comes up.


️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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