
How to make my item "available" to where they can see it on my website.

I keep changing my items from unavailable to available. It won't stay as it keeps switching back. Is there a way I can make it to where customers can see it on my website?

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1 Best Answer
Beta Member

Best Answer

Hi Braden1,


Although the volunteer Community Members are not the same as Tech or Customer Support, there is quite a bit of hands on experience with Square's Apps and Hardware.  Since we don't have all the details about your concern, we have to assume or guess sometimes.


You can turn on or turn off that setting - some settings don't require you to republish your site after a change but, from my experience, things work better when you do that.   What most people don't do after making changes to their site is refresh their web browser - meaning - delete the browser's history (temp files, cache, etc.).  Your browser uses the history to load previously viewed pages quicker rather waiting to load a fresh page (it does not know you made any changes so this is a time saver by design).  That probably explains why you don't see the changes you expected.


A good rule of thumb is to do the following:

Make your changes to your site, save and republish.

Then log out of your Square Account.

Refresh your web browser by deleting all history (time range - everything).

Close the browser, reopen it, go to your site and check.


Most people just make a change to their site and immediately go to there to see the changes without refreshing their web browser.  As for your customers, I'm guessing they are not seeing the same behavior you are.  It's just my thoughts of course.  


As a side note, sometimes the system has hiccups and things don't always work as they should even though you have done everything you can - that's when you need to follow-up with Tech Support as they can do some things on their end to resolve an issue.  (That's something that cannot be done through the Community.)




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Message 2 of 2
Beta Member

Best Answer

Hi Braden1,


Although the volunteer Community Members are not the same as Tech or Customer Support, there is quite a bit of hands on experience with Square's Apps and Hardware.  Since we don't have all the details about your concern, we have to assume or guess sometimes.


You can turn on or turn off that setting - some settings don't require you to republish your site after a change but, from my experience, things work better when you do that.   What most people don't do after making changes to their site is refresh their web browser - meaning - delete the browser's history (temp files, cache, etc.).  Your browser uses the history to load previously viewed pages quicker rather waiting to load a fresh page (it does not know you made any changes so this is a time saver by design).  That probably explains why you don't see the changes you expected.


A good rule of thumb is to do the following:

Make your changes to your site, save and republish.

Then log out of your Square Account.

Refresh your web browser by deleting all history (time range - everything).

Close the browser, reopen it, go to your site and check.


Most people just make a change to their site and immediately go to there to see the changes without refreshing their web browser.  As for your customers, I'm guessing they are not seeing the same behavior you are.  It's just my thoughts of course.  


As a side note, sometimes the system has hiccups and things don't always work as they should even though you have done everything you can - that's when you need to follow-up with Tech Support as they can do some things on their end to resolve an issue.  (That's something that cannot be done through the Community.)




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