
Magstripe device working, but shows as "unpaired" in Settings

After starting and configuring a Square account, I added a device entry through the dashboard (in the browser) and named it.  I then installed the Square app on my mobile device, and then installed the Magstripe reader.


In testing, the reader worked and I was able to run a real transaction.  The Magstripe reader shows up in the mobile app under devices, however, the custom device name I made using the web dashboard isn't coming over.  It just shows as the default name Square assigns to it during installation.  


In the dashboard via the browser, the device does not show up at all, even though I am using it successfully.  The original device entry I created is there with it's custom name, and it shows as "unpaired".  I only have the one device; why does the dashboard not reflect that I have installed the device?  The app and the dashboard don't seem to be speaking the same language.


Any tips appreciated!  Thanks!

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Square Champion

when you create a device like you are explaining I believe, you need to log into that device with the device code that is associated with that created device instead of logging into the square app on the device with your email and password.

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