Beta Member

Marking Items Available on KDS not showing on POS.

When I mark an item as unavailable on the KDS prep station, it syncs to the POS perfectly.  However, when I mark that same item back to available it does not sync to the POS and it will still show as unavailable on the POS.  Is there something I'm missing?

Message 1 of 7
Beta Member

I found it.  I had to go into item availability on the POS and mark it as available.  Seems a little rough to run to two places to mark an item available again.

Message 2 of 7
Beta Member

Well, that was short lived.  Now that particular item I marked as available on the POS when I mark it unavailable on the KDS it doesn't show up as unavailable on the POS.  I'll keep pecking along and see if I can figure something out.

Message 3 of 7
Square Community Moderator

Hi @Rjbenfield - Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community.


Sorry to hear you're having this issue with your item availability between your KDS and POS. I'm not quite sure if it is expected behavior to have a slight delay between the two or not. I can definitely check in with the Square for Restaurants Support Team on this and see what they have to say.


For now, I'd recommend making sure the KDS and POS apps are both up to date and that your devices (iPad, Square Stand, Register, Terminal) are all on their latest software versions as well - just to ensure this issue isn't related to anything being out of date.


I'll be sure to check back in with you here, once I receive more information. We appreciate your patience in the meantime!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 4 of 7
Square Community Moderator

Hi there @Rjbenfield - Alanah again. Just wanted to drop in and provide an update on this.

I reached out to a member of the Square for Restaurants Product Team and they directed me to file a ticket for this issue so our Engineers can take a closer look. I'll come back with another update as soon as I receive one.

Thank you again for your patience on this!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 5 of 7
Beta Member

Hi @_Violet 


Sorry, we went on a long vacation where there was no internet.  It was both refreshing and terrifying!  It all seems to be working now.  Even the greyed-out items that were stuck that way on the POS started working when I marked them as unavailable and then available again.  Don't know if there was an update, as it updates every night, or what happened, but it's fine now!  Thanks!!

Message 6 of 7
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @Rjbenfield - Thanks for coming back with an update! I hope that you were able to relax and "unplug" during your vacation 😌

Glad to hear all is well since you've returned! If you happen to run into any further issues, do please let us know and we can take a closer look for you.


Take care! 😊

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 7 of 7