
Please help with pending account deactivation!! We don't know why?!?!?

I received this email regarding my deactivation. I wanted to see if there is anything we can do to resolve this. The company we are using to invoice our event sponosr is InvestKC. It is an educational event I put together to help people learn about investing in Real Estate. The invoices I send out are to companies that are helping to sponsor these events. I am not selling a service, but putting together a platform for people to learn about investing in Real Estate in the Kansas City area. I enjoy using the ease of your platform, and would hate to lose the ability to utilize it. Please let me know if there is anything I can do or provide in order to correct this. You can see our social media page in Instagram and see the type of event we are doing just to see it doesn’t go against any of the terms. We are selling any type of real estate, we are educating people about it. We are active and legit! Please see us on IG and FB with current events going. 
Best regards,
Samantha Salem
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Square Champion

First I would question if the Email is authentic, there are tons of scam/spam emails about account deactivation/bounced deposits/refunds/bank errors that try to get you to give them login credentials or get more information.


If it is an actual Square Email, nothing here will be able to help you.  Your best bet is to call Square 8 5 5-700-6000.  Customer support there would be able to see your account and proceed from there.

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thank you!!!!! 


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