
Problem: Replace Item Library Overwrite your existing items. All items will be deleted and replaced.

For those using Bulk Import of Items using the Replace Item Library option, watch out!


I noticed a problem with the bulk Import of Items using the:

"Replace Item Library -Overwrite your existing items. All items will be deleted and replaced."

This option is under the Import button with the webpage at https://squareup.com/dashboard/items/library .

Changes to items already loaded to iPad Square Register will not be updated by doing this. I do not remember this being a problem before.


The only way I could get Square Register on the iPad to get the new replaced database of imported items was to remove the App on the iPad and reinstall it.


---More testing today 2/23/2017

Looks like both options are broken even doing a Modify Item Library from the webpage

(Add new items and update your existing ones. Items cannot be deleted, only altered.), does not update the Square Register on an iPad. This test involved making a change to an items name and adding a complete new item. The changes are reflected on the webpage so they are getting into the Square item database. To ensure that the SquareRegister/iPad is indeed "talking" to the square servers, items that are directly added or modified from the webpage are almost immediately reflected on the iPad.
Message 1 of 4

Hi @Gigis. Thanks for taking the time to surface this feedback. I have heard from our Product Team in the past that sometimes large library changes can take a bit of time to sync over. Having said that, normally by logging out, and then back in - it should address the issue. Did you have a chance to try this before deleting and reinstalling? Since you had to sign back in, I have a feeling this is what really solved the problem. Reason being, each time you sign in, the app reaches out to your item library and pulls that data in.

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 2 of 4

This has been happening to me. I'll export my items, change prices, then import. I've tried everything, and my POS app won't update on any of my devices. Even days later I can only see the changes in my dashboard.

Message 3 of 4

We have found that logging out of your Square POS app on your tablet, then logging back in seems to completely reload the POS database.

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