
Receipt reflects more than I charged?

Hello all!


I am new to Square and did a test charge yesterday with the card swiper in the amount of $1.00. That charge shows correctly. However, in my receipts it says $3.26. I have never done another transaction before this. What could this possibly be?


Thank you!



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Message 1 of 6

Is the receipt itemized? Is it showing what charge is applied to what item? Do you have shipping as your default delivery method, and have a charge associated with that? Do you have your tax set correctly?

Check those items, Run another test, and make sure that you have cleared any items in the basket as well. Make sure the ticket number is matching the charge. Let me know if it is still an issue...

Message 2 of 6

Hello Fresh1


No it does not show what it is for nor is it itemized. It also shows a tax of 8.75% which I did not put in as our state is lower than that. I also have no delivery method as I don't even know how to set that.


I see what I believe is a ticket number starting with #A? on the receipt but do not see it anywhere else. How do I compare that?


How do I clear items in a basket?


I am so new to this and have no idea how to fix this.

Message 3 of 6

Lets start by setting your taxes. In your dashboard, click on Items. Then, inside the top menu of that area you will see Taxes. You will click that, and it will give you the option to change or create your tax. Input your tax rate, and select which items it will need to apply towards.


For your basket, on the square register before you charge, make sure you are only charging one item for the 1 dollar. You can do that by looking at the dropdown menu on where it reads "no sale". there will be an option to clear items if you have any in your cart/basket. If you can clear it, do so and run a new charge after you have done that and adjusted your taxes.


Let me know if you stil have a problem, and what the varience is.


If you still have a problem, we will compare tickets at that point.


Good luck!



Message 4 of 6

Square finally got back to me. This was their response.


I apologize for any confusion! What you’re seeing is a preview of how your receipt will appear to customers. This is not a real receipt taken from your transaction history.


So no worries! All is ok. Thank you Fresh1 for your help!



Message 5 of 6

That is great news! Glad you were abel to get a clear answer. Dont forget to change your tax rate!

Message 6 of 6