Square Champion

Receiving Products showing out of stock on item library

20230217_185131.jpgI've noticed an issue off and on over the last few months and usually it fixes itself when I refresh the item library but tonight it doesn't appear to be fixing itself even when I manually fix it.


When you receive an item in Item library and save the item, if you reopen the item and change anything (IE price, description, picture) it will then show the item as out of stock with a red circle around the correct quantity. See picture for example of what I mean, for some reason I edited one or two of the items received but all of the items showing quantity 12 were received today and out of stock prior to receiving.


If this doesn't correct by Monday I'll reach out to support, but this is a really annoying bug as I can't tell if it's receiving product properly or if it's a syncing issue. My biggest worry is receiving product and coming back later and it's still showing as sold out.

Please Require Customers to pick time/date at checkout for Square online. Thanks!
Message 1 of 17
Square Community Moderator

Hey @PartyManiaMD 


So to confirm the problem is that after editing items will be shown as out of stock when in reality they should be available. Am I understanding correctly?

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 17
Square Champion

Yes, this has been an ongoing issue which I always chalked up to a syncing delay.


As you can see from the picture there are items that have a quantity listed but they are showing as sold out with a red circle around the correct quantity.


Usually I can go back into the item and do an item "re-count" but that is not fixing it this time.

Please Require Customers to pick time/date at checkout for Square online. Thanks!
Message 3 of 17
Square Community Moderator

I was unable to replicate this error on my end and for this reason I will go ahead and suggest you reach out to our Retail Support team so they can take a look at the account ASAP. Since you have Retail Plus you do not need to wait until Monday to have this escalated. As a reminder our team can be reached  at 855-700-6000.


You can also get in touch with our Messaging and Email Support Teams here.


I wish you good luck and hope this is addressed soon.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 4 of 17
Beta Member

Was there a fix for this problem?  My account started doing this today and its driving me crazy! 

Message 5 of 17
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @DAAMBoats I am really sorry you are having this issue as well. I also am unable to replicate this issue with my demo account and currently not seeing reports of this happening. If you can please reach out to Retail Support so they are aware this is happening and we can get them to investigate this further. I am reaching out to them on my end as well but the best way to resolve this is to speak with them directly so that they can impersonate your account and look deeper into this than we can here in the community. You can reach support at 1-855-700-6000 squ.re/contactsqsupport. Please reach out if you need anything else!



Message 6 of 17
Square Champion

@MayaP @DAAMBoats It does appear to fix itself and I believe it's just a syncing issue. I have not seen any long-term effects but to replicate it on my end at least:

1. Receive inventory quantity and save.

2. edit the product in some way, description, add picture, etc.

3.Then go to another product.

4.Then go back to the original product it will show out of stock but with the correct qty.


The issue is how long its saying to show the correct inventory is worrisome. Not sure if it's just a chrome cache issue or if it's the server trying to play catchup.

Please Require Customers to pick time/date at checkout for Square online. Thanks!
Message 7 of 17
Square Community Moderator

Hello, @PartyManiaMD


Chiming in for @MayaP. Happy to hear that this issue has been corrected on your end. We understand your concerns and would be happy to bubble this  up to our Retail Team for more visibility. However, to take a look at your account in detail and open a ticket with our Engineering Team we suggest you give us a call directly to walk through additional troubleshooting steps. We apologize for the inconvenience.  


Have a good day. 



Community Moderator, Square // Moderadora de la Comunidad, Square
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Message 8 of 17

I'm having weird inventory counts as well (showing a red line through the item with sold out underneath in red) when it actually IS in stock. luckily it still let me sell it, then made inventory-1.  I just spent 45 minutes on support who shuttled me to 3 different teams and said I should use call support, which sent me back to the beginning of starting a new chat. AGGRAVATING!!!

Message 9 of 17

This issue has been happening for us for the past few months. It's very annoying. Is anything being done to fix this?


On a sorta related issue, why is it that some items that are 0 have a red circle around them and others do not? There is absolutely nothing that is different in the items listings. Low stock alert has never been activated for anything.


Message 10 of 17
Square Community Moderator

Hello @craftlandshop Welcome to The Seller Community! I am sorry you are also having this issue as well but please see the responses from me and @sayra above. Truly the best way to resolve this notify our Customer Support Team and filing a ticket, we cannot take these actions through this forum which is why it is important to get in contact with support and let them know this is going on. You can reach Customer Support at 1-855-700-6000 squ.re/contactsqsupport. Thank you for working with us to get this resolved. 



Message 11 of 17

I filleD out a ticket, and they recommend I contact support, who shuttled me around and then had me call- which I THOUGHT i was going to get a person, but no- starting another d*mn chat...

Message 12 of 17

i am also having this issue. i have another 400 products to enter. I dont have time to keep going back and correcting. this sounds like its a long term ongoing issue. what is being done to correct it?

Message 13 of 17
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @sully2 


Sorry to hear about your experience. These issues are resolved on an account level. For this reason, I will advise reaching out to our Support team, so they can look at your item library in real-time and point you in the right direction.


Community Moderator, Square
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Message 14 of 17

I reached out to support- and spent 4 hours! being rerouted to a different team and then yet another call that leaded to a chat. I gave up. at least I can still sell items that are out of stock! 


Message 15 of 17

That's discouraging since I was just told to do that very thing. I'll let you know if I get anywhere.

Message 16 of 17

please do! and be sure and write down how you got a response!!! 

Message 17 of 17