


This request been since 2019, and has not been fixed. 


I am trying to create the website thru square and I want my customers to be able to upsell on ADD-ONS  and i try to add modifiers which it let me, but they dont show at time of booking



Pretty sure it already is, here is an article on how to do this:


Those aren't add ones for services, those are add ons TOOLS for the business owner/manager to use online.

Beta Member

I would love to see this feature as well!!! I would like my customers to have the option of add-on services at the time of booking. Example: I do lash extensions. When customers book their ash appointment I would like them to be able to also select add-on services like lip and eye treatments at the same time. Why isn't this available???

Beta Member

Would love to have this option 

This option can really help upsell a service and boost sales. Please please add this on soon!!!!!

I am a massage therapist and I would LOVE and actually need this feature to be incorporated into the service. For example, client books a 60 minute massage online, is then able to add-on services like aromatherapy. It doesn't require any additional time because it is not a service by itself and is done within the 60 minute treatment window. 

Right now I have my add on services set up as individual services that require an assigned time to be bookable by customers online. It is a headache because I have to go in and manually adjust my schedule as well as put up a disclaimer that such services don't actually extend their treatment time, it looks tacky.


Square, please come up with a solution soon. This seems to have been a long time request by many. Making this feature available to your sellers would help them maximize their potential earnings.