
Appointments: Is there a way to send a follow up text or email?

Appointments: Is there a way to send a follow up text or email?

i download appointment app on my phone. i run an auto detailing company and want to add what each package involves but it take to long to type on the phone when i can just go on my computer and type it in. i dont see where i can do that? i see a spot of items but not services.


also is there a way to set up follow up email and text  48 hours after their service automatically?


This is the #1 feature request I've been wanting since I started using Square Appointments over a year ago which will grow my business and that means more processing for Square.  I do historical boat tours and it's great that I can have automated messages go out to passengers at the time of booking, the morning of their tour, but what kills me is that I can't schedule an automated message that would go out to the person who booked "after" the tour (could be later that day or the following day) asking that person to leave a review for me on Facebook, Instagram, Trip Advisor, Yelp, Google Reviews (whatever platform they like).  If every person that took my tour was given a quick and easy link in an automated message after the appointment, those reviews would in turn lead to way more bookings when people are considering my tours and WAY MORE BOOKINGS MEANS WAY MORE PROCESSING FEES FOR SQUARE!!!  - This is the #1 way they could generate more sales from the people that use Appointments if they would just focus on this feature.  It should be a FREE feature since the functionally of it does nothing but drive more sales for Square.   


My #2 feature request is supporting coupon codes so I can track where business comes from to reward the people that are referring customers to my business.  

Square Community Moderator

Appreciate both of you bringing your voices to this Feature Request, @Winsome & @101lakefun


I am going to move this over to our Ideate Board, so the entire thread can be seen by our Product Team. 

eso seria exelente ya que las otras platafoemas si lo tienen pero estamos felices con esta plataforma pero sin esa opcion esta por debajo de las otras plataformaas 

Beta Member

Astonished this isn’t a feature @Kassi_ . Do you have a supervisor or manager we can bring this up to. 

I just switched my medical office  to square for payroll, scheduling + and billing. We will completely abandon this product if there is not proof of work on a follow up feature—something that has been requested for FIVE YEARS now. please contact me directly at info@dossmd.com as well as reply this thread. 

Is there a follow up on this topic? Would love to add this feature to build visibility for my business! An automated text or email after the appointment. 

Is there any update to this available? Has anyone found a way to work around the Appointments limitation maybe using a combination of 3rd party services like Zapier or IFTTT?

Square Champion

I use Square Appointments x Zapier x Sales Message to send these out.