
Charge a deposit at booking!!!

Charge a deposit at booking!!!

Square only allows hold card info (which the client can then remove unknown to us until they no-show us and we lose hundreds of dollars!) Or pay in full. People have been asking for years to allow a deposit to book. It's 2022 and we are still losing money from such a simple feature lessor companies offer. How can we get this implemented correctly? 

I don't want to switch, but the whole reason I pay for this service is to not lose money and it's faulty. 


yes!!! I agree- this needs to happen asap

Square Champion

Hi! I'm not sure if this would help you, but you do have the option to require pre-payment. You could also send an invoice for the deposit. 

This is our workaround for charging a deposit, the problem is at checkout, you have to manually enter the remaining balance. The No-Show policy/cancellation or pre-payment doesn't work as intended. 


Screenshot 2023-04-26 114856.jpg

Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: New

Thank you, @Nilarem - For providing this example/workaround above. We are sure this will be helpful to other sellers. In the meantime, we will keep this request open to gathering additional requests around this feature for greater visibility and consideration. 


We will make sure to keep you updated if anything changes. Have a good day. 

Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Open
Beta Member

@Nilarem That is our current work around as well.


For checkout, we created a full price variation for every service and a deposit "Discount" for 25% (25% is our deposit amount, inconvenient if your deposits are not the same rate). During checkout we select the full price variation and the deposit discount. This allows the correct numbers to display on the customer's receipt.


In addition to the flat deposit rate and the inconvenience, another downfall of this workaround is that the checkout amount is not recorded as a "Past Appointment" but that probably doesn't bother most people.


Would definitely be nice to have a Deposit Prepayment or Partial Prepayment as a secondary setting to the Prepayment setting. Instead of solely prepaying in full at a flat rate of 100%. Even if the rate remains flat across all services like it is now, if we can adjust the amount to other numbers that is not 100%, it would be nice. 


I can see a problem where Square may have to implement partially completed transactions in addition to categorizing transactions as complete or incomplete.


I am hoping that square implements stronger settings in the future so that training a receptionist can be more hands off.