
How do I add an additional charge to invoice with deposit?

I recently signed a contract with a new client and sent the initial invoice with a 50% deposit. I set the pay schedule for 2 payments, on at the beginning of the project and one at the end. The project is a book and the contract stipulated X number of pages and it’s $X amount for additional pages.

He went ahead and paid the complete invoice before the new year and paid an additional amount for 20 more pages.


How can I update the invoice to reflect that? When I add the charge it changes the deposit amount. I want to add it, keep the deposit he already gave and record the new payment.

Message 1 of 4
Square Champion

Hi @Jfred90 

So the customer already paid the complete invoice?  Is there still a payment schedule set for the 2nd payment?  Trying to make sure that I understand this correctly. 



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Message 2 of 4


Yeah, so I set up a payment schedule for 2 payments at 50% of the total each. The first payment is a deposit and the second is to be paid upon completion of the project.


In our contract, I had an option that he could add more pages for an additional cost. He wanted to pay the rest of the invoice before the end of the year and decided to pay for extra pages as well. He wrote me a check.


When trying to close out the invoice, I can't figure out how to show he paid for the last 50% and an additional charge.


I'm probably missing something really simple, but can't seem to make it work.

Message 3 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @Jfred90 👋 


In this case, you would have to edit the invoice by adding the needed amount to it to be able to complete the invoice with the additional amount. An example of this would be to add an item called additional pages and set the price to it to the amount that you charged your customer. Doing this will cause the invoice amount to increase and you will be able to settle/mark it as paid with the correct total.


I hope this information is helpful!

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Message 4 of 4