
Shipping for Square Invoices

The title of this thread has been edited by a Square Moderator from the original: "THERE IS NO SHIPPING Service FOR INVOICES"


Please do not waste your time with all the Shipping Nonsense ,     This is only for On LINE STORES .


If you send an invoice out to your client and they pay, there is no way to ship , 

There is no work around,     There is no direct answer from Square ,  Its is for NULL AN VOID.


I have spent countless hours, please do not waste your time


The PLUS program also is not going to help you with the Shipping . 

Please do not waste your money on that. 


So you cannot use any Shipping Service such as Shippo .

You cannot mark  your invoice as shipped .      




This has been very Frustrating for many as well as the hoops we have been asked to try.   

Message 1 of 240
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hi @phantomrain @LizS1 @DLRosenberg Appreciate all the insights. We have recently launched invoices x shipping. The option to create an Order for shipping is now an option when you are creating an Invoice. You can still request a buyer's shipping address like before. Once an invoice is paid, you can purchase a shipping label through Square, or add a manual tracking number. Check out https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/8080-set-up-shipping-for-square-invoices?utm_medium=web&utm_... to learn more! Thanks so much.

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Message 10 of 240
239 REPLIES 239

Hello @kissntellnicole, have you reached out to these customers to make sure they filled out this section? If they have provided their address, a completed invoice would look like the image below. 



I used our San Francisco office address for this example. Also Jack is for our CEO Jack Dorsey. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


If you're still having trouble @kissntellnicole please let me know! 

Message 106 of 240
Beta Member

I sucessfully tested having the customer add their shipping address and can see it when I click on the paid invoice. However, when I select the "Print" option, the address does not show. We're using this for any mail order sales; sales tax does not have to be charged for out-of-state sales, but the address needs to print on the invoice. Can this be changed or is it in the works? It's pretty important, and we don't want to go through the extra steps of screenshots. 

Message 107 of 240

Hi @Horsefeathers - Where/in what field are you currently adding the address? That will help us find you an answer!

Message 108 of 240
Beta Member

@katieand There is only one option. We create the invoice and click the button (as noted above) to collect the shipping address. The customer would be entering the shipping address. The shipping address is not showing when we choose the "Print" option under the invoice. (Steps to get to that are Invoices -> click on invoice to see information -> Click "Print" to print hard copy of invoice. The hard copy shows all data except the shipping address.)


Also ... having read through the thread a bit more, we wanted to know if Square has fixed the problem of shipping charges having to be input as a product. As noted before, this is a significant accounting problem and we agree it's not an acceptable solution.


Message 109 of 240

@Horsefeathers, thanks for outlining how the printed version doesn't include the shipping address. I just heard back from our product team and they're working on getting it fixed. We'll update this thread with more soon. 


Thanks also for your feedback about adding shipping cost as a line item - this is something we've heard from others as well. If we have updates on that front, we'll also post here in the Community. Thank you for your patience! 

Message 110 of 240
Beta Member

@Kpay thanks for the prompt response. These two items are not nice-to-have customer enhancement requests. I see that the problem with Square's inability to separate shipping was flagged over 18 months ago and has not been fixed. As well, the requirement to be able to print and send an invoice with a shipping address is to meet a State of Illinois Department of Revenue requirement. 


Please have someone follow-up with me directly (or provide me an email address please) on what Square's plans are to fix these issues. We cannot continue to use Square as a POS vendor if these problems are not fixed shortly.

Message 111 of 240

@Horsefeathers, I understand that these are not merely nice-to-have items and that you need them to properly run your business. The feature development process is complex and our team has to take a lot of requests into account. That being said, I spoke to the Invoices product team this morning, and they are actively working on getting the shipping address included in the print field. 


Additionally, our product manager for Invoices reads all posts related to Invoices here in the community, so she's already seen your feedback and knows how important this is for you. If you'd like to discuss further, feel free to send me a private message here in the community - I'm happy to keep you updated on this and answer any other questions I can. 


Again, thank you for your patience, and for your posts. 

Message 112 of 240

Hi @Horsefeathers - I wanted to provide you an update on this! Now when you print, shipping information should be included on the invoice.


Thanks for your patience.

Message 113 of 240
Beta Member

@katieand Appreciate the update.

Message 114 of 240

Great information 

Message 115 of 240
Beta Member

You merged two completely different topics together, and I'd like to see them separated as they really are not the same, and you still have not addressed the issue.


There needs to be an option to add shipping/postage to an invoice but NOT as an item. When you intermix postage as an item, it incorrectly inflates the revenue. Shipping is an expense side item, not a revenue side item. Basic accounting principal.


Three years later and Square still has not addressed this issue. Please re-submit as this is a need-to-have. Thanks.

Message 116 of 240

I need to include shipping fees on my invoices since all my orders are online, but other then requesting for shipping address, there is nothing that allows me to enter shipping fees on my invoices which makes it hard to get them to pay for shipping fees, since they received the invoice with the total and get angry when we tell them there is a shipping charge that's not included on the invoice. Please tell me how I can add this.

Message 117 of 240

Check out the Best Answer from @ACAcatering here in this thread!


I hope this helps, @karmic-youth โœจ

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 118 of 240

Also related to the shipping address issue....When you collect shipping address from customer the customer record is not updated with this info so you have to manually update each record or ask for ot every time without adding. Neither of theseareviable.solutions esp with lots of customers.  Please talk to them about fixing this. Thanks

Message 119 of 240

This is for shipping information, but not shipping amount.

Message 120 of 240

Can this be done permanently without having to request?


Message 121 of 240

Hey @parliboutique, I went to check for any updates on automating or adding a permanent field for shipping details, and there isn't any information that I can share out at this time. Our Invoices Team is continuing to track this request and we'll circle back with any developments as they become available. Appreciate your patience on this one.

๏œ๏ธ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 122 of 240

I am very confused. Shouldnโ€™t the invoice provide the total final cost: product price + shipping? 

if I am sending the invoice but donโ€™t yet know their shipping address, how do I add the cost of shipping to their invoice? 

Message 123 of 240

Very @FarmsteadSmith! You're right, there isn't a way to add the cost of shipping to a paid invoice. You could consider building the shipping fees into your item price, or asking your customers to provide their shipping details (or state/general location) when you collect their email address to set up their invoice. 

๏œ๏ธ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Message 124 of 240

I don't understand why shipping is not a separate fee AFTER tax has been figured.  That way I can add exactly how much it cost me to ship.  I don't often do shipping, and I don't want the customer to have to pay tax on it, and I also don't want to be charged a fee by square (which I can live with, if necessary, but not happy about it).  

Message 125 of 240
Beta Member

We would really like to see a more robust shipping option created in invoices. Specifically it would be nice if our all-ready set-up shipping rates were readily available AND it allowed us to update invoices after payment with tracking numbers/fulfillment statuses like online orders do. This would be a huge help.

Message 126 of 240