
Referral Program for Current & New Clientele

Square Champion

Referral Program for Current & New Clientele

I hope this message finds you well. As a proud user of Square Appointments within the beauty industry, I wanted to reach out regarding a feature request that could greatly benefit businesses like ours.

After exploring various third-party apps, I've found that many fall short in providing a robust referral system tailored to the needs of beauty professionals utilizing Square Appointments. As a salon owner committed to enhancing client experiences and fostering growth, I believe that a referral program integrated directly into Square Appointments would be immensely valuable.

A referral program would not only incentivize our existing clientele to recommend our services to friends and family but also serve as a powerful tool to attract new customers. This system could reward both the referrer and the referred individual, encouraging ongoing patronage and fostering a sense of community around our salon.

I understand the complexities involved in implementing such a feature, but I firmly believe that Square has the expertise and innovative spirit to create a seamless referral system that aligns with the needs of beauty industry professionals like us.

I appreciate your consideration of this request and would be happy to provide further insights or collaborate in any way to help bring this vision to life. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


I second everything @Stacelyn24 said. I'm a hair professional and have been a loyal Square Appointments user for years. Square Appointments runs very deep in our industry and I believe that we have have been asking for this feature for quite a long time now. I also would be happy to provide any help necessary to facilitate the creation of this absolutely necessary feature for our businesses to truly prosper. 


Thank you for your time and consideration on this important matter. I have subscribed to this thread and will be looking forward to your response. 

Square Champion

I would love this for my pet store as well. Maybe something like I can offer them a coupon code, if someone uses it, they get one in return. 10% off for each of them or whatever the coupon rules.


Or even as part of loyalty where members can earn points if someone redeems their code or uses their url.


This is a great idea!

Square Champion

I would also really love this.  Referrals are the key to my business and I'd love an easier way to ask for them and keep track!

This is very much needed, not just in th us but here in australia too, come on square make it happen i think this should be a given as most businesses would benefit greatly = you grow as a great website building provider


thanks in advance

Beta Member



Beta Member

Id love this for my brand ambassadors, so it can be easier to keep track of each client they referred.

Square Champion

Rewarding our customers for spreading the word about our business would be amazing. That would save us time and money on marketing. It is also a good tracking mechanism to see where our customers are coming from. Much needed!