
Events and Food & Beverage Items on Order Online template

Beta Member

Events and Food & Beverage Items on Order Online template

Hello –


Feature Request:


I'm a website designer that works for Square Online clients/sellers.


Please enable event-type items to populate in the order online menu.


For example, one of my client's event-type items appear in the order online item list section, in the online store editor, in the correct "Events & Parties" assigned category.


However, on the live website, the event-type items do not populate in the order online menu, along with the food & beverage-type items.


As a workaround, we changed the event items to food & beverage-type, toggled pickup and delivery fulfillment, and now the items appear in the live order online menu. This is not ideal, because the important event details section is no longer available.


An event section can be added to the online store, but positioning it above the order online item list is not an option.



It would be beneficial if event-type items populated in the same way food & beverage items do in the order online menu. This would allow customers to easily order both types of items.


Thank you for considering this feature.


Screenshots are attached for reference.



Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Open

Hey @taylorandjones -


Thank you so much for submitting this Feature Request! I've updated it to the "Open" status. This step in the Feature Request process will be a time in which other sellers can add their use cases to your idea to make it stronger and demonstrate further how much it is needed. Later on, we'll re-visit the most popular feature requests in the "Open for Votes" status and bring them to product teams.

To other sellers that see this feature, please “like” the post and reply with a use case that your business would have. This will help to signal that this feature request is even more important to address.

I have the exact same issue - in our cafe we are looking to use Square for both online sales of items for us to deliver, and also online sales of in-person events on site.
We cannot have both in the 'Published' online shop, with events showing up only if we disable pickup/delivery of the items which then renders the ability to sell physical items useless as we need to deliver these.  It also means that if we are tracking the inventory of the items then they show as zero in stock as pickup/delivery is disabled which again means we can only use the site for either events or item sales.

Beta Member

Same Issue. Winery with events and food/beverage pickup. Need to offer both.