
Prep Time- Business Days vs Days

I am looking to set prep time as 2 days, not business days. We are closed Mon-Wed. If someone orders on Mon, they cannot set a delivery or pickup until Saturday due to the prep time counting only Thurs and Fri as business days. I would like to count the prep time as 2 days, not necessarily business days.


Is this possible?


Message 1 of 8
Square Community Moderator

Hi @Zach4! Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Seller Community. 🙂


This is currently a feature request. You cannot have prep time outside of your business hours, but I can certainly share this feedback with the development team!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 8

We have a rather unique restaurant situation, in that we are only open for business on Fridays. We have some specialty desserts and items that people could order ahead to be picked up on Fridays during our open business hours. We would like to be able to say they can order an item from Saturday - Wednesday and then have it ready for pickup that Friday. (So far, any adjustments I make to prep time and pickup just ends up causing the item to be ready the next following week). So for now, I’ve just been turning our site off for orders on Thursday & Friday, but it would be great if there was a way to only allow site orders on specific days and then also a way to set pickups for Friday only. Is this possible? 

Message 3 of 8

Hi @J_L_Restaurant. Thanks for sharing a bit about your setup. What you're looking is currently a Feature Request. We've been keeping tabs on this particular feature because it's been highly requested. If our team implements this, we'll be sure to make our Seller Community aware of it.

Beta Community Manager, Square
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Message 4 of 8

Any updates on this feature request? It's been a few years and the Monday-Friday boundaries on "business days" is nonfunctional for the majority of businesses using this platform that ARE open on the weekends.

Message 5 of 8
Square Community Moderator

Hi @gatheredastoria - Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community👋


I reached out to the Square Online Team and they have confirmed that this is still a feature request at this time. To learn more about how feature requests work, please see this post from one of our Seller Community Moderators. 


Additionally, they mentioned a possible workaround could be adding short pickup hours to your non-business days (like 11:00pm-11:30pm). That way, the system can still read them as prep days. This could cause some issues though if your pickup settings are set up to assign a time.

I hope this information is helpful but please do let me know if you have any additional questions.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 6 of 8

Thanks for the response! Wouldn't creating pickup hours on days we are closed potentially result in orders coming in that we are not open to fulfill? Is there a way to count those days as business prep days without allowing orders to be placed?

Message 7 of 8
Square Community Moderator

Hi there again, @gatheredastoria 

I reached out again to the Square Online team and they let me know that if you use this workaround, you'd have to turn off "Calculate & assign pickup times automatically" in pickup settings and coordinate pickup times with your customers directly. This way, the site doesn't assign a pickup during your prep hours.

Hopefully, this clears things up!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 8 of 8