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Square Online Is The Red-Headed Step Child of Square Generally and I'm Getting Tired of It

What is up with the reluctance to update or maintain Square Online?  


There are so many instances where just to manage an order I have to switch from Square Dashboard, to Square Online to the App...  Why can't it just be integrated?  


Square said that you could now message a customer right through Square Online but you really can't..go to a  customer's order page and there is no way to do it.  


Square has added customer accounts which is great but they've been sitting on the feature request of a 'Store Credit' system for literally years.  They rolled out sending e-gift cards as refunds but recently don't allow you to set custom amounts...and you have to do it through the freaking app!  It's now unusable as the amount I'd like to refund is never 'available'...so I have to do a $0.00 sale as a new e-gift card.  WHY?  Just make a store credit system!  I want to access Customer X's account and say you have $XX dollars to spend which will be applied to your next order at checkout, or not.  How many quantum computers do you need to integrate this?


If you want to update the status of an order you can go into the Square Dashboard (not Square Online) and mark it 'in progress'.  This does nothing, is not reflected in the online dashboard, and cannot notify the customer.  Why can't this send out an automated email to the customer w/ the update?  Why can't one of my team members access the order to see where it might be in the workflow pipe line?  According to Square Online an order is either shipped or not shipped.  Why do I have to dig deep to even see that someone went to the dashboard to change the status?  We should be able to make custom order statuses and have the option of updating the customer with an instant status change form email. Useless.  


You still can't set up "if/then" modifiers, where as a customer might select an option that will effect another option.  It's all or nothing.  Another feature request that never gets updated after years of waiting.


Recently Square Online gave away $70 in 'free' shipping via a bug and when I brought it up they refused to refund me citing TOS that says if they screw up it's on me.  Literally one of the worst customer service interactions of I've had which is saying a lot in the Covid era.


I know I'm not a Kardashian but my store does do well over 6 figures...I've voiced my concerns for years and they're never addressed or fixed.  We get workarounds but not solutions.  It's like Square treats e-commerce like it's still a novelty from 1998.  


The icing on the cake is that if you click 'support' (at least in Safari) on the Square Online page, nothing happens. The link is broken.  Applause all round folks!


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