
Manage tax exempt clients with daily reporting please

Beta Member

Manage tax exempt clients with daily reporting please

This was advised to create a feature request
WE need to manage tax exempt purchases or set up a customer as tax exempt.  Automatically turn tax off on clients that are tax exempt.  Also to have a report be created for sales that were tax exempt either daily or monthly please.


@mooretoys @frillseekerstx @nika @RainbowQuest @Joe @Mr-Mulch @TDS @Rulon-Miller  @SammyGrace2414 @htprintables 


@janeo  @Candlestore  @RofT    @bswanz @JackieCardin1 


 I could continue to look through threads and list more people who desperately want and need a fix for applying a tax exemption to a client automatically and then reporting the numbers correctly for daily and monthly reports.   "Too many users mentioned. You can @ mention only 25 user(s) in a post."  but I am currently out of time.  Thank you!



Beta Member


can you make certain client automatically tax exempt.  or make it so we can easily refund the tax amount off of a sale after the purchase and have it negate out of our total tax collected for that day.  It would also be nice to see the items that tax was not collected.  This has been requested frequently and other point of sale systems easily do this.  Furthermore when you refund an amount (or a partial dollar amount) it does not automatically refund the amount of tax that was collected and this can cause issues in the proper amount of tax collected.  thank you

Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Reviewed

Welcome to the Ideate Boards, @ehflower 


Appreciate you bringing this feature request over to our new process. Also, excellent work tagging other sellers to add their vote or voice to this request! 


I don't have a current update for this on our roadmap, but the status has been changed to "Reviewed". This means our Product Team will be evaluating the best next steps for this request. 


Thank you again for bringing this over. 

Beta Member

thank you @Kassi_ have a great rest of the week.  I look forward to the development!  

Beta Member

I want to also support this request. My business does retail sales to tax-exempt organizations (farms, government, other resale purposes) and we definitive need an empowered option of somehow disabling taxes at the customer level vs. during each transaction.

Jumping in here to say better reporting and consideration for tax exempt organizations would be tremendously helpful.


My business currently uses the Include tax in item price feature to set our prices to round to even dollar amounts.

But when I ring up tax exempt organizations and toggle tax off, the prices are still rounded to the even dollar. So a $10 order rings up as $10 regardless of whether I toggle tax on or off. Square should automatically adjust the item prices to reflect the removed tax.


As a work around, I'm considering using a percentage discount...

Our sales tax is 8%, should I create an 8% discount and apply it to all tax exempt organization orders, and also toggle the tax to off?


Will that sale then be recorded as "non-taxable item sale" when I pull up the Report's Taxes tab? Or will that sale still be included in "taxable item sales". The Taxes Reporting tab should really have a better breakdown to include tax exempt organization sales.

Beta Member

i do not know how to migrate requests over  so i copy pasted if that is ok



How do we set up customers as tax exempt?

Hello, we sell feed and many of our customers are farmer that are tax exempt. We need to be able to record each tax exempt purchase as a legitimate tax exempt customer rather than just 'turn off' the tax for the sale. Is there a way to set this up for the POS

@Candlestore @RofT @bswanz @Helen @JackieCardin1 


Remove Tax after payment?

A customer did not request their meal to be tax exempt at time of payment, but days later is trying to submit a tax exempt form for their previous meal. Is it even possible to refund tax?


@VCB @bridget_mahonia Tax exempt reporting need

Beta Member



 tagging for reference

maybe tagging people Square might really look into this request.  thank you

Square Champion

@ehflower ;

1st of thank you for tagging me but I do not work for Square, I am just a user of Square also.

Now as for Tax Exempt Reporting I can tell you what I do.  I have my Tax Exempt customers fill out a form with their Resellers information, EIN and State Sales collection information along with their business name and contact information.  I then keep the originals in a file system and a scanned copy as a PDF image in their account in my QuickBooks file.  This way I can quickly pull up a copy to print out for anyone asking for this information.  As for removing the tax from the sale, I just slide it off at the checkout screen with the customers name.  Usually my Tax Exempt customers give me a call and I invoice them through QuickBooks.  Since in QuickBooks it shows them as Tax Exempt and has their information handy if questioned.  Again this is what I do and you may want to talk to your accountant to see what you should do to protect yourself.

Beta Member

Thank you so much for detailed input.  We currently do that as well.  

Beta Member

+1 for this request. We do retail and wholesale sales. In shopify, it's a 1 click toggle to make a customer tax exempt. Easy. Done. Wholesale clients can shop online and just use a 50% off coupon code to get wholesale pricing without having to send a PO, email, or any other nonsense. Please make this just as easy on square.