
Need to import/export item images within the Item Library

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Need to import/export item images within the Item Library

Just as the thread here Solved: How to import/export item images within the Item L... - The Seller Community indicates, this is a seriously needed option

10 Verified Answers
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Re: Need to import/export item images within the Item Library

Very nice 

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Re: Need to import/export item images within the Item Library - Status changed to: Not currently planned

Hey there, @dpowell7299 & @JTPets 


I have merged the older posts to your Feature Request, so our Product Team can see how long our sellers have been requesting this particular feature. 


Currently, this isn't on the roadmap to get implemented. Doesn't mean it cannot get on there in the future. 


When we get more information, we can circle back to update the status. 


Thank you! 

Verified Answer

Need to import/export item images within the Item Library

Just as the thread here Solved: How to import/export item images within the Item L... - The Seller Community indicates, this is a seriously needed option

Verified Answer

Re: How to export items images together with the library to excel?

It's been 2 years, has this been fixed. I have almost 2000 items in my catalog.

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Re: How to import/export item images within the Item Library?

We have been entering these FREAKING feature requests for at least 2 years now and not a peep from you guys as to even IF you would do it.

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Re: How to import/export item images within the Item Library?

I definitely get how you feel @IndyRick. For context, most of the features that exist in Square were made possible thanks to feedback from Sellers like you. 


It was never Square's intention to make you feel like your data is kept away from you. However, submitting a feature request puts this need front and center of our Product Team. 


Thank you for your understanding and I hope you have a great day.

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Re: How to import/export item images within the Item Library?

Sorry, I can't wait on your development timing. I am developing (PHP &MySQL) my own display application that will make use of what data you do deign to provide right now. A business case shouldn't be required for data access. FREE MY DATA.

Verified Answer

Re: How to import/export item images within the Item Library?

Thank you for taking the time to share your interest in this feature @alhstudio2021 At this time, exporting pictures isn't something that our team has planned. However, I recommend you submit a Feature Request here. This will help our product team get visibility and track other Sellers with similar interest in your request. 


Important: When submitting a request, make sure to include the desired feature, and provide the details of how this feature would help your business succeed (how would you use it and what you expect from it).

Verified Answer

Re: How to export items images together with the library to excel?

Thank you for your reply. Please keep me posted. 

Verified Answer

How to import/export item images within the Item Library?

[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: How to export items images together with the library to excel?]


I am trying to export my items library to my laptop excel. For some reasons the items images are not exported. Can anyone please tell me how do I do so? Thank you. 


Here we are - 2 years later and still no fix to this major issue? 

I can't believe it's been 3 years since some of these requests for Image Export were made and it's still not a functionality.  Even if we could just export to a zip file or something.  


Beta Member

Just want to chime in that bulk upload of photos would save massive amounts of time!  We upload inventory every year as we are a seasonal business (a nursery in northern Minnesota).  We generate a new catalog and photos every year also.

Has there been any update on this feature request?

Has their been no progress on this yet in the last year! Exporting is basic functionality and i know you can export images as they are exported to bigcommerce when new items are created. So you do have this functionality, even if it may be xml. Similarly, i cannot believe that custom attributes cannot be exported. All data held on your systems should be available to the users for export, after all it is our data. I'm constantly being disappointed with the lack of basic functionality, such as Categories while created in POS are not forwarded to the online site. All i keep here is "we are constantly updated and will pass this onto our developers", just get the basics right. I'd love you to come back and tell me im wrong and this functionality is available.

I want to export all of my product images to a csv file so I can import the pictures to Shopify.
Is this possible?


Thank you!

Square Community Moderator

I've merged your post to this thread @HanaEarthGarden, where we're currently tracking this as a feature request. 

This is really ridiculous. The data in the items database is mine. I should be able to export it any way that I want it. Why do you think that you can make better decisions regarding my data than I can. It's not just photos that you apparently refuse to permit users to export. I also can't export Custom Attributes. Your UX Team is doing the user community a grave disservice by creating an attribute that can be input without creating a way to export the same attribute. FREE MY DATA NOW!

I have an excel file that has each item with SKU , Description, Price and image embedded in a Excel Cell that resides on the item row for each SKU Number... Why can't this image be imported into a Catalog?  Surely your database structure includes image storage. I use MySql and it easily stores an image in a library and the database points to that image.  This is an a feature that many would welcome for a POS system to rapid deployments.  When you have hundreds and thousands of items within your store you are relegated to uploading one picture at a time and then assigning it to an item entry.  Come on!

Square Community Moderator

Hi @Cheyennemtnman,


I totally agree! Right now the process to upload images is very time consuming, and that shouldn't be the case. 


Your frustration is very valid, because this is a very huge feature that is missing from our platform. 


 The feature request process can be slow, a lot of different factors affect a feature being carried out. But I have seen Square actually implement features based off feedback like yours. To learn more about how feature requests work, please see this post from one of our Seller Community Moderators. 


In the meantime, keep an eye out for any updates, here, in our Seller Community. We appreciate your input! 🙂

Beta Member

This is an important feature missing from Square. It would make the item creation process much simpler for users (adding items with photos is currently VERY time confusing and a complicated process between a Square POS retail store and Online) and also allow merchants to keep a secure backup of their inventory off-line for data recovery after a possible catastrophic Square failure, such as a cyber attack or accidental data failure.