Square Champion

Gift Card Balance not showing after a transaction when a customer is a loyalty member.

Hello all, here is something we have noticed for a while but never thought to ask about.


When we started using square loyalty we noticed that when someone uses a gift card, when the transaction is complete it no longer shows them their remaining balance for the gift card on the screen. It will go straight to the loyalty status page. 

Is this a bug that has gone unnoticed or is it a known issue? Or are we the only ones that have noticed it?

It's only eighty inconvenient when we have to print the receipt in order to see the gift card balance. Not only is it an extra step but it's a waste of paper. 

Any ideas?

Lovewell Tea & Coffee//
Ventura, Ca

Message 1 of 3
Square Community Moderator

Hello there @Lovewell 


Can you share the details of where this is happening? I would need which App and the version of the app, the make and model of any device or devices where this is happening. 


I am inclined to believe that this is working as intended to streamline your checkout flow and prioritize Loyalty onboarding or Rewards. However, once we get the information above I will share it with our Loyalty team for clarity. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 3
Square Champion

Hey @JJ_ Thank you so much for responding!

So we use the square register.

Model: Square Point of Sale Application

Version: 5.45.0087


I totally understand putting priority on the loyalty program, recently though we have been having to print a multitude of receipts to show people their balance. 

Again, not a major issue but I just didn't know If it was a bug or if it was intentional.


Thank you again!

Lovewell Tea & Coffee//
Ventura, Ca

Message 3 of 3