
Ability to view when time off request was submitted

Square Champion

Ability to view when time off request was submitted

We ask our team to submit time off requests two weeks in advance.  Also, we have blackout days where we can only let a limited number of team members have time off.  All time off requests are first come first serve.


When we are scheduling or viewing time off requests, it does not show when they were submitted.


Please add this feature to the roadmap.


Thank you



@frances_a how many comments before Square takes it to the developers? There are quite a few here...

Beta Member

I recently gave up on Scheduling and switched to 7 Shifts. It's fantastic. Squares is good for the very basics, but these other systems are built specifically for scheduling and offer a ton of features that are worthwhile.



Beta Member

yes @Dsandwr we too are leaving and moving to 7Shifts at the first of the year.


Hi everyone - we hear you on this request!  We are commencing development on this very shortly - would love to connect with any of you that are interested to hear about your needs in more depth so we can continue to deliver for you and your business.

@JasonSQPM I would be happy to speak to someone about it if that is helpful.

Beta Member

Sometime last year I had a long phone conversation with two people from Square all about why we’re not ready to switch to Square Team for scheduling. Since then I don’t think I’ve seen any new scheduling-related features announced or implemented. It’s promising that you’re actually announcing development on this one, even if it doesn’t rank that highly on my long list of requests. I’ve already submitted several feature requests through this website, but am happy to talk on the phone or via email if there’s really about to be some big development pushes in the Team Plus/Scheduling product.

Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Open
Square Champion

We we are still interested in having the ability to see when time off requests were submitted for first come first serve.


We would also love to be able to see a history report for each employee that shows how many hours or days of time off requests each employee has submitted and gotten approved for.


And there are a few other features that we would like to see in square scheduling.

We really would rather stay with square for scheduling since we do Square for payroll and use the square Team app and it all is really nice that it's all in one application, but we are lacking things that are really important.


Thank you for opening this back up. 🦋


Fantastic.  @Theclaydate @TheParlour-Yoni @BofBArtStudio I will reach out to you all directly to schedule a conversation.


Looking forward to it!



Beta Member

@JasonSQPM I would love to provide some input as well. We would really rather stay with Square than switch to another provider if we can get our needs met.


Thank you