Beta Member

Any insight if Square will allow a cash paid out for lottery any time soon ?

I'm a new customer to square, and love the look and the speed of the credit card transactions. Most convenient stores, liquor stores and gas stations, in many states including Massachusetts sell lottery tickets in high volume. They are required to pay out cash winnings from their cash registers numerous times throughout the day. My store currently averages over 30 times a day. The cash management work around is just too slow and cumbersome to be effective. This often causes frustration in the time customers have to wait. Quite frankly, the lack of this key almosts eliminates the effectiveness of the entire register for high volume businesses, thus limiting Square's exposure to each of these sectors of business. 

Message 1 of 3
Beta Member

Hey @AJMassachusetts 


The Square ToS are built to fit around Square's contracts as a financial service provider.

It is likely that these rules will be terms of their contracts and will not see changes like this in the near future.


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Matt - He/They
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Message 2 of 3

Square did not have a feature specifically designed for cash payouts related to lottery winnings. Square primarily focuses on providing point-of-sale solutions, payment processing, and related financial services for businesses. However, the company regularly updates its features and services to meet the evolving needs of its users. 

Message 3 of 3