
Hide Variations

We really need an option to be able to hide individual variations. Our company has two prices for every item, one available to the public and one just for in house. I currently have two items set up for each item so that I can hide one of them from the public. So my item list is twice as long as it needs to be, and I have to move inventory around weekly. I know others have this issue. Hoping it is resolved soon as some of the posts I've read on this request are several years old now. 

Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

Hi @cchs22.  That’s definitely something that I think a lot of sellers would find useful, especially those who engage in both wholesale and retail operations.  In your research, did you find that a formal feature request had been submitted by another user?  If not, I would strongly suggest that you submit one here to the Retail Team.  When you do, post a link and I’ll certainly upvote it.


Secondly, I have at least one thought about a short-term workaround that would get rid of your inventory and double catalog nightmare.  But it might be way off base, so I’ll ask a question first.  Is there any chance that your in-house pricing is as simple as applying a flat discount for all items, or at least consistent discounts for each category?  If so, then you could set up auto-discount(s).  These ONLY would apply to POS-based sales.  I know it is a long-shot, but it’s at least worth mentioning.


I wish you well.


If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps people who find this thread in the future.

Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 2 of 3



All of our in house prices are based on cost and availability. I wish it were a flat discount but unfortunately, it's not. 

Message 3 of 3