
Inventory - new items not showing up online

I have added 4 new items via the "online>items>site items" page.  I have updated their inventory under the "variations" section as I have done in the past..if I am remembering correctly.  The stock doesn't show up on the list view as the other items show stock.  When I go to my dashboard and look at the same list under the "item library" i see the stock as it should be but when I go to my online shop they are not there at all.  Can someone suggest what I may be doing wrong?  Please. 🐵


Perhaps I'm not adding them correctly?  The rest of the shop was added in this manner with no issues 7 months ago.


Thanks -- Scott

Message 1 of 53
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

HI, there is a known Square sync issue.  If you are adding items during the busiest time of the day the sync / lag will be longer.  You can check them later and they should display correctly.

Hope This Helps!

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Message 2 of 53

I am having the same issues. None if my new inventory count is showing online. I can't get a straight answer from anyone at customer service. They told me to wait 24 hours for my items to sync. Its been days and it still isn't automatically syncing. am i missing a step? 

Message 43 of 53

It is Aug 28, 2023, and I am having this issue. I have everything labeled as Visible, i have item sync on, and still nothing is showing up

Message 44 of 53

I am having the same problem.  Within the last two days, the inventory on one (only one) of my sites became entirely unavailable.  Not sure why, I've checked the Community boards and tried everything mentioned there.

Message 45 of 53

I was having a similar issue with a service library item. It wasnt new, but I accidentally removed it from the location and was no longer appearing as an option to book. So incase it might help someone, Service Library/Item> Locations (Under item description) turn on for your desired location or select "All locations". Hope this helps someone with similar issue.

Message 46 of 53

November 2023, my items are listed as visible but are not showing up on my website.  After reading all of the comments I still have not found a resolution to this issue.  Can anyone help?

Message 47 of 53

Feb 2024, having the same problem with our retail site. Items added within the last three weeks are not showing up online - on the website OR in the list of Online Items. I've tried duplicating an already visible item (didn't work) and have gone through the checklist of possible conflicts, none of them apply. Square customer service could not get into our account to check without speaking to an authorized user (I only show up as an employee). 

Message 48 of 53
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @ArisanGallery, I am sorry you are having issues with your items not showing. I want to get more details, so I can investigate this further. Were the items added from the Dashboard or the app? Please provide us with some item names that are currently not showing. Also, your URL as well. 



Message 49 of 53

We did figure out that Items must be added through the Online portal to show up online.

Items added through Dashboard --> Items Library do not show up online (even with sync and where it's sold turned on).

Would still like to learn if this is an issue that can be fixed. We've had to redo a lot of older listings so they'll show up online.

Our online page is https://bcacartisangallery.square.site/


Note: I didn't see this reply until months later - could someone from Square please contact us directly? Thank you! 

Message 50 of 53
Square Community Moderator

Hello @ArisanGallery 


If items are added in the Dashboard and the sync option is toggled on, they should still appear on your Square Online Store, as the libraries sync with each other. 


While here in the Community we can't call our Sellers, you can reach out to our support team here.


Thank you.

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 51 of 53

I’m having the same issues, new products added are not showing up on the online side or the website.

Message 52 of 53

Hey all, I had the same (similar?) issue here. I had two items (two books) that were in my Items, and showed up in the Preview of the Website section, but then when I went to the actual website, neither of teh books showed up. It was driving me mad! (That's how I got here). Eventually I stumbled into the solution that fixed MY problem: I had both of the books in an Item Category called "Books." What I didn't realize was that there is a setting in the Items / Categories called "Online Visibility". Turns out, that was set to "Hidden from all sites." *facepalm emoji* From there it was a simple edit of clicking the Books category and turning on Channel Visibility for my website. Voila, the books are now showing up as expected.

Message 53 of 53