
Please add Dark Mode on the Square Register

Verified Answer

Please add Dark Mode on the Square Register

Please add the dark mode option to the Square Register. I use a combination of Square Registers and iPads w/the stands. The iPads have a dark mode option and the colors pop much more with the black background and it makes it much easier for my staff to navigate the POS menu than on the Square Register which only offers a white background. 
1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Please add Dark Mode on the Square Register

Please add the dark mode option to the Square Register. I use a combination of Square Registers and iPads w/the stands. The iPads have a dark mode option and the colors pop much more with the black background and it makes it much easier for my staff to navigate the POS menu than on the Square Register which only offers a white background. 

I'm definitely on team Dark Mode. I Dark Mode everything. If this was implemented, I would use it.

Beta Member

DARK MODE is a must this days, sooo much easy to bring attention to special things and colours, especially on busy days (for restaurants)

Yes. I use Dark Mode almost exclusively these days on my computers, phone, etc.

I'm constantly having to adjust my settings whenever viewing the Square Dashboard when using a computer so that I can see all of the text.

I use an android phone and typically set the apps to mimic the phone's setting of "auto dark-mode". And because Square Apps don't really have a Dark Mode option (nor the Dashboard when viewed from a computer), the apps default to the white backgrounds automatically (which is fine for now, but, it sure would be nice to have a Dark Mode option.)


Beta Member

I would love for there to be a dark team on Square register

There should be consistency within all integrations of square. Dark mode on register should not even be a request. 


I’m 100% interested 

Would love dark mode on everything, including the online dashboard. Thanks!

I'm still interested. Maybe Square should reconsider this one.

100% interested in a dark mode or at least options to change colours to help match your business.